Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Three Musketeers Essays - Swashbuckler Films,
The Three Musketeers Alexander Dumas ?Forgive me, Lady de Wardes,? he said, ?for rousing your hatred by my blackguardly conduct. I in return forgive you for murdering Constance Bonacieux and for your savage attacks on me. I forgive you and pity you. Die in peace.? Characters d'Artagnan- a young, attractive Gascon of eighteen. d'Artagnan is haughty, proud, and extremely intelligent. He is one of the main characters is the book, and we follow him through his many turmoils and triumphs; as he eventually defeats the evil of the real world. Porthos- a proud, experienced Musketeer. Porthos is a true friend with a quick temper, and a smart mouth. Nonetheless, Porthos is intelligent, cautious, and has a wild passion for everything he does. Aramis- a proper, friendly gentleman of twenty-three. Aramis is proud, yet demure, with a very clean-cut appearance. Aramis is a man of scripture and deep thought, often the one with the brilliant ideas. Athos- a cool, courageous Musketeer, strikingly handsome, and proud of his status. Athos lets nothing stand in his way, yet is polite and friendly, attracting friends easily. Planchet- d'Artagnan's servant, a tremendously devoted man, trusted and intelligent. Monsieur de Treville- a truly good man, captain of the Musketeers, who has a pure heart and a love for his Musketeers. Monsieur Bonacieux- a small wily man, not very gifted in the intelligence department, easily swayed by others' personal opinions. d'Artagnan's landlord. Constance Bonacieux- Monsieur Bonacieux's wife, a young, beautiful woman, with a good soul. D'Artagnan's mistress, and maid of the wardrobe of the Queen. Lady de Winter- an evil spy for the Cardinal, Lady de Winter is an extremely beautiful mastermind with the ability to make anything go her way. Kitty- Lady de Winter's innocently pretty maid, who falls hopelessly in love with d'Artagnan, and helps him in his exploits against Lady de Winter. Lord de Winter- Lady de Winter's charming brother, who helps in the temporary capture of the evil Milady. The Three Musketeers is set in the mid to late 1620s, in Paris, France. Paris in this period is the bustling center of excitement, trials, and betrayal. The Three Musketeers is about four grand friends and their amazing travels and exciting exploits. Living in glamorous Paris, France, d'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis get deeply involved in the political aspects and scams of the day. With enemies wherever he turns, d'Artagnan is forced to go into hiding, sending his intelligent servant and his best friends to take care of business. Gradually, the complicated mess of French and English monarchy comes together, revealing a way to overcome the evil of the outstandingly beautiful Lady de Winter, one of the Cardinal's best spies. I. Three Gifts A. d'Artagnan arrives in Meung 1. The strange, dark man 2. Confrontation 3. Milady 4. Stolen! B. d'Artagnan enters Paris II. Monsieur de Treville's Ante-room A. Monsieur de Treville's house 1. The courtyard a. Porthos and Aramis III. The Audience A. Introductions B. Athos C. Letter to the Director D. The chase IV. Shoulder, Shoulder-Belt, and Handkerchief A. The sore shoulder 1. Challenge B. Another Accident 1. The shoulder-belt 2. Challenge C. The Handkerchief 1. Accusation 2. Challenge V. Musketeers and Guards A. Athos B. The Seconds 1. realizations C. The Cardinal's Guards D. Fight E. Friends F. Planchet VI. A Court Intrigue A. Finances B. Poor 1. Dinner Invitations C. The Small Man 1. Explanations 2. The Kidnapping VII. Relaying Information A. A Plan B. ?All For One and One For All!? VIII. Madame Bonacieux A. Ambush! 1. Monsieur Bonacieux's arrest B. Cross Examination C. Madame Bonacieux D. Rescue E. Constance F. Another Secret G. Love H. Escape I. Monsieur de Laport IX. The Plot Thickens A. A Curious Romantic Attachment B. Aramis's House 1. The cloaked woman C. Following D. Escort E. Athos's Arrest F. The Pair at the Lourve 1. The Duke of Buckingham X. The Man of Meung A. Monsieur Bonacieux's Attendance With the Cardinal 1. A new and Faithful Servant B. The Letter to London XI. Soldiers and Magistrates A. Athos's Cross-examination B. Athos's Attendance With the Cardinal C. Monsieur de Treville, the King, the Cardinal, and Athos 1. The Police report and the soldier's honor D. Release E. The Duke of Buckingham is Paris XII. The Keeper of the Seals A. Plotting B. Twelve Diamond Tags C. The Visitor and the Search of the Queen D. The Planning of the Ball 1. The request XIII. The Lover and the Husband E. Letter to Buckingham F. The Deadly Secret G. A Pledge 1. The Secret Discussion 2. The Truth Is Revealed 3. An Important Decision XIV. The Journey A. Four Friends Get Leave B. Breakfast in Chantilly 1. Porthos's duel C. Three Against Eight in Beauvais 1. The Ambush On The Road D. Two Friends in Amiens 1. Hullabaloo in the stables 2.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Interpersonal Reflection Essay
Interpersonal Reflection Essay Interpersonal Reflection Essay Introduction On September 2nd, 2014, I spent three hours interaction with patient B.A in his room which is at Palm Beach Gardens Hospital. The patient’s room is small, clean with two chairs pushed to the side near the window that shines light into the room. The bed is located in the center of the room which is nicely fixed. This area was chosen because it allows the patient comfort, a familiar surrounding and a private place to speak. The patient B.A., is a 59 year old alert and oriented male. The patient has short light brown hair which he styled nicely. He is properly groomed and is wearing a clean hospital gown with light gray pants. He is waiting for his wife to visit him later in the day. When I first entered the room to greet the patient, he presented himself as a friendly sociable and cooperative person throughout most of the interaction. He could perform all this daily activities independtly and only asked for assistance when needed. He shows eagerness to be discharged from hospital. According to Potter & Perry, â€Å"therapeutic communication is holistic and patient centered and engages the totality of the patient’s condition†( 2005, p.78). The nursing goal of this nurse/patient interaction was to build confidence to allow ease of communication. The patient goals were (1) the patient will express feelings and thoughts about the diabetes that he has been managing for a couple of years. (2) The patient will express any concerns he has about his recent abdominal pain and the effect it has in his life. Nurse Verbatim Patient Verbatim Nonverbal Behavior of Nurse and Client Interpretation of interaction Alternation response with rationale â€Å"Good Morning Mr. B.A., how are you feeling this morning ?†â€Å"Better than I have been yesterday. I hope the doctor will come by and discharge me today.†Student nurse made eye contact with the patient. Patient smiles and responds in a clear and cheerful tone. â€Å" The doctor may be coming in to see you later today†â€Å"Yes, the nurse mentioned that earlier. My wife will be coming here at about 10 am.†Student nurse looks outside the window away from patient and patient moves around the room towards his phone. He clicks it on, and then puts it gently on the bed. â€Å"That’s nice. Do you work ? â€Å"Yes. I work building race car engines. It has been a job that I have done for about twenty years and I absouletly enjoy it. Student nurse walks over to a chair and sits in the direction of the patient. Patient explains his job excitedly to the student
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Answer These 5 Common (but tough) Interview Questions
How to Answer These 5 Common (but tough) Interview Questions Even the best job interviews sometimes have deer-in-headlight moments†¦the times when you get a question you can’t answer with a breezy, offhand response. While your brain reaches for a response that sounds coherent and hire-worthy, the pause can feel like an eternity. If you go into the interview extra-prepared to field some common questions, you can avoid that and come off as the smooth operator you know you can be. Also don’t forget to prepare for these hardest interview questions. You never know when you might get hit with these tough questions.1. â€Å"Tell me a little bit about yourself.†This is not an invitation to talk about your childhood hopes and dreams (unless you’re interviewing to be a cowboy astronaut) or a request to detail your square-dancing hobby. Remember what you’re there to talk about: you as the ideal candidate for this particular job. This question is a chance to give a quick outline of the elements of your education and career background that make you a super fit for this position.2. â€Å"What are your strengths?†Again, you need to target your response to the job for which you’re interviewing, but this one has the added sandtrap of testing your humility. If your answer makes you seem like a combination of Steve Jobs and Mother Theresa, dial it back a bit.Before your interview, come up with three qualities that make you look like a strong candidate for the role. Good answers: â€Å"I’m extremely organized;†â€Å"I work very well in a team-oriented environment;†or â€Å"I have a long track record of turning leads into sales.†Bad answers: â€Å"I’m one of the smartest people I know†or â€Å"I win at any cost.†3. â€Å"What are your weaknesses?†Similar to #2, this is a bit of a trap. The interviewer is not your therapist/clergyperson. Don’t confess to lifting office supplies from your last job or talk about your weakness for buying Precious Moments figurines from Amazon. Make sure that your response contains a little bit of spin (but not too much- again, the humility thing comes into play here).For example: a stated weakness could be that you try to take on everything at once. But as soon as you say that, acknowledge that you know the importance of delegating projects throughout the team and working together toward a common goal, so you will always strive to make that balance of your own hard work and looping other people in. Whatever you respond, be sure to flip the script and finish up with how it makes you a stronger candidate and how you know you can turn that into a productive quality for this position.4. â€Å"Why did you leave your last job?†Depending on how things went at your old place, you might be sorely tempted to be totally honest. However: bite your tongue. You will gain nothing from trash-talking your former colleagues and bosses- and things could get awkward very fast if your interviewer knows people at your last company. Instead, be as honest as you can while spinning it a little to emphasize your current opportunity: â€Å"I felt I’d grown as much as I could in my last role, and I think this job is a logical next step for me.†If you were fired from your last job, this makes things trickier, but not a lost cause. Never lie about it (as this is easily checked by the interviewer), but rather talk about the reasons your last job was not a good fit for your goals or what you learned from the difficult situation.5. â€Å"Aren’t you overqualified for this job?†In a complicated economy, sometimes we find ourselves applying for jobs that might be a step back, qualifications-wise. Maybe you wanted that reach-y dream job, but your mounting bills and frustrations mean you’re willing to be flexible and take a job that might be slightly lower in seniority or salary.If the interviewer asks you about being overqualified, emphasize t he reasons you want this job. They’re asking because they’re concerned you might not find the job challenging enough or that you will skip out as soon as another opportunity comes along. You can reassure them by talking about how this role is in line with what you like about your field, and how you see yourself growing in the role.You can also talk about how you understand that your resume may seem a few steps ahead of this particular role, but you’re interested in a permanent role at this company, and would like to bring your extensive experience to the job and make it your own.Preparation is your friend here. If you think ahead of time about questions that are almost guaranteed to come up, you’re more likely to avoid the awkward deer moment and keep the interview seamlessly moving forward.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Outline the processes of evolution and explain how either theory of Essay
Outline the processes of evolution and explain how either theory of mind or altruism is an adaptation resulting from the selective forces that have operated dur - Essay Example This is also the rationale behind the arrival of variations in the species of organisms through time. The genius of evolution lies in the fact that although organisms have obviously changed though time, a lot of their features remain strikingly comparable to something from a different age. (The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, and the Regents of the University of California, 2008) Simply put, evolution is one of the major factors that cause different life forms to continue to exist in the universe. Evolution is a complex process that makes use of several mechanisms or sub-processes. These evolutionary mechanisms are responsible for affecting change in population.. (The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, and the Regents of the University of California, 2008) The basic mechanisms of evolution that affect change include natural selection, genetic drift, migration or gene flow and mutation. (The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, and the Regents of the University of California, 2008) Natural selection is the course of action by which inherited characteristics that are pertinent to continued existence and reproduction become more prominent. In natural selection, the traits that are detrimental to one’s survival become less prominent in the next generations. (DOBZHANSKY, 1955) According to the ‘Understanding Evolution’ website, genetic drift can be simply described as an â€Å"evolutionary equivalent of a sampling error†. Another way to describe genetic drift is that the genetic material from one generation does not go on in the same proportions in the next generations for due to a lot of indiscriminate reasons. Genetic drift can be likened to a lottery where a â€Å"winner†is determined by sheer luck or in this case, chance. Genetic drift affects the process of evolution in three ways. First, genetic drift causes a reduction in variations. This causes a population to be
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Replacing Leather Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Replacing Leather - Essay Example The Economics Indian Mirror in their article â€Å"The Indian Leather Industry† reported that the growth has been phenomenal, to say the least. From Rs.320 million in the year 1965-66 to Rs.69558 million in 1996-97. It also brings pride to the nation. The Indian leather industry today has been recognized for its quality and is now among the top seven foreign exchange earners of the country. From being a mere exporter of raw materials in the sixties, it is now a legitimate and dollar earning industry. The sector accounts for 2.5 per cent of the global leather-related trade of Rs. 387,200 crores. An estimated 15 per cent of total purchase of leading global brands in footwear, garments, leather goods & accessories, in Europe, and 10 percent of global supply is outsourced from India (Damodaran & Mansingh). The leather industry employs about 2.5 million people2 and has annual turn over of Rs. 25,000 crores (Damodaran & Mansingh). Engrained in the Culture The industry also goes b eyond economics, it has become a part of Indian identity. Many who work in the industry, entrepreneurs and workers, feel that making leather is beyond making a living. It serves as the connection to their past and the only thing they have known to do. Thus, the organizational structure of leather companies are usually set up in a way that incorporates Indian family tradition as well as an attempt to a modern approach primarily due to the influence of the West who has been India’s biggest leather consumer. Environment Damage One may find over half of India's leather industry around the Ganga river basin. Through Utter Pradesh and West Bengal, treatment plants transform raw hide into materials to be used by Hollywood superstars and international socialites. It is this interest of designers and rich and famous that made this industry a major player in the country's economy. In West Bengal alone, there are 600 tanneries employing and 20,000 units manufacturing leather products. T hey employ 200,000 people (Brown, â€Å"Told To Clean Up†). There is the negative side though. It does more damage to the environment, one that does not compensate for what India gains financially. For one, they used different chemical processes that would preserve the leather. They soak and line the hide, remove the grease ad pickling the hide, and other processes that use salt as the primary ingredients. Brown further reported that about 3000 tonnes of salt are used to preserve 5000 tonnes of raw hide. The problem is 90% of this salt goes into the river and groundwater systems causing pollution and contamination. They also use other products like formaldehyde, coal-tar derivatives, and various oils, dyes, and finishesâ€â€some of them cyanide-based. Most leather is chrome-tanned which has long been declared hazardous by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) also reported that tanneries produce pollutants like prote in, hair, salt, lime sludge, sulfides, acids, 2,000 pounds of solid waste including flesh and waste nearly 15,000 gallons of water a for every ton of hides that it processes. All these either say on the environment to damage the soil, water, and health of humans around or it goes straight to landfills together with the 800,000 tons of chrome shavings annually. In PETA’s article titled â€Å"Wool, Fur, Leather: Hazardous to the Environment†they said, â€Å"Groundwater near tanneries has been found with highly elevated levels of a variety of toxic substances. The Regis Tanning Co., Inc., operated a tanning facility from the early
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Approaches to Psychology Essay Example for Free
Approaches to Psychology Essay The social world is complex. To try to explain it human psychological actions through one simple theory is a difficult task. Different psychologists and psychological schools have come up with different approaches that attempt to understand human behavior, emotion and motivation. These approaches include the bio-psychological, behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanistic cognitive and socio-cultural schools of thought and action. While these approaches may not be entirely compatible, they do form a basket of tools with which the student of psychology can use to try to understand the psychological make-up of the people he or she encounters. Through the notion of eclecticism, it is possible to take elements from these approaches to come up with an understanding of a given situation. These schools all have their own important voice that reveals important characteristics in varying psychological situations. Biophysical approach: talk about how this approach helps us to understand how the body reacts to psychological events, without an understanding of the brain, nervous, muscle and hormonal systems, you can’t really understand people as part of their environment. Humans are animal systems and the bio-psychological approaches help us understand the human animal, but it fails at more human characteristics such as cognition and problem solving and psychological trauma of childhood Behavioral approach: tell about Skinner; tell how this approach helps us to understand basic human psychology, especially in modern times when the stress is on scientific observation. Behavioral approach helps us understand what can be observed, it helps us to control others by understanding how to get people to do things through rewards, it does not tell us, though about what goes on inside the person and how some people may not react to rewards, or how cultural issues may be more important to people Psychoanalytic approach: tell about Freud and psychoanalysis, this is based on introspection, so it is not very scientific, but it does help people think about their past and the unconscious motivations of their behavior in the present. It also is good because it relies on talking, instead of giving people medication, so it can provide solutions for people. It also is a little simple with the stress on violence and sex. Humanistic approach: talk about Carl Rogers, tell about how it is a positive psychological approach because it focuses on improving people, however, it is weak because some people are so traumatized by an imperfect world and family that they need the help of other approaches to first figure out what the problem is. Cognitive approach: tell about how it is good because it focuses on people using strategies to solve problems, it helps people feel more independent and strong, however, it is weak because it is very narrow and focuses on a very small part of a person’s psychological make-up. Sociocultural approach: tell about how cultural can affect psychology and it is important to understand that different groups are affected by their culture, tell about how IQ testing might be biased and how the sociocultural approach makes us sensitive to this. However, it is bad because it does not help us actually solve problems, only focuses on making us more sensitive. Sensory activities In learning process students faces various challenges. Teachers should try to understand sources of students’ problem and also employ various approaches in helping them. Eg carrying out the following sensory activities may drive this point home. American flag afterimage One may report American flag to have different colors in according to number of times one has seen it and also depending on which occasions one saw this flag. Color reported may not be the correct due to confusion arising from the number of times the flag was seen and occasions in which the flag was seen. This may make it difficult for one to have the real picture about the flag. Mirror writing Mirror writing can also bring confusion to the learner. Such occurrence may occur as a result of problems in the development of the brain or confusion arising from the nervous system. A psychologist should understand such a problem by using the biophysical approach. For instance understanding why a person writes his name as reteP instead of writing it correctly as Peter. Food paragraph When one is asked to write a paragraph about food, his or her culture will greatly determine what message he/she writes. It may entail condemning certain food or praising certain food in which one has been brought up with or which are highly regarded in his/her society. This should help the psychologist to understand how to help the person who is having a problem. Conclusion All these approaches to psychology are interdependent. The need to combine them in dealing with every day challenges is very important. For instance a case of a student that cannot succeed on a written exam but can excel when tested verbally, the teacher need to employ behavioral approach and know such a student has difficulty in written exams. Then a humanistic approach will be relevant so as to understand why the student has problem with a written exam and have a positive attitude to help the student out of such problem. The biophysical approach will call upon the teacher to know the working of such student brains. Does the student have a problem in interpreting instructions in a written exam? Therefore, an all inclusive approach is the best way in solving daily life problems. (William, Glassman, Hadad 2008) An example of an all inclusive approach was employed by Maslov in describing the needs of human beings. He encompassed biological and psychological needs, then safety needs, esteem needs and then self actualization needs. Such approach encompasses biological, human, social cultural and human views. Thus, none of psychological approach can stand on it alone to solve problem facing human beings. Work cited William, G. , Glassman, W Hadad, M Approaches to Psychology. 2008.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
what to do about education Essay -- essays research papers
What to do about Funding in Public Schools The public school system in America has long has been an issue of discussion amongst people everywhere. The school system is something we deal with in every state and city in America. It is one system in our country that is in need of great evaluation when it comes to the issue of funding. There are funding gaps that are so large from school to school when it comes to the issue of funding that we have some schools that are barley in suitable living conditions, have the oldest materials and are very understaffed to schools that have the best of everything in every aspect to include the teachers. Is this the type of unbalanced system you want your kids in? People often complain that we need to do something about, give more funding here or there, but the problem surrounding school funding is that we often distribute funding in the wrong way. Well I say it is time we as a whole step up and do something about it; I say we move to a voucher system to develop some competition within public education. If we do not act on making our schools more equally funded we will put ourselves in a downward spiral until only a few schools are able to provide an adequate education to our youth, I mean come on our nations children already lag behind in many standardized test when compared to other countries. We need to seize our chance to improve on this now because if we let it slide I can guarantee you the problem will only worsen and the public education in our country will only fail. We need to setup a system based more on competition so we can get the schools to want to give our youth a good education. Now many people may oppose to the idea of making schools â€Å"compete†for students with the voucher system. They would say that this may be too expensive or it would take away the idea of public schooling and not make it free in the sense that we think of school as free. Many would say it would be turning the public school system into a â€Å"business.†While I do agree that it would turn the public school system into a business I do not agree that it would take away from our schools being public in the most literal sense of the word. But it would give people a good way to have a little power in the public system because it would allow parents to decide where they would send their children, not the state. It would also add some incentive for ... ... given a better education simply because his or her parents make more money. That does not make a child smarter, rather more privileged. And I thought schools did not cater to the students. Well that is what the system seems to be doing at this point.      I feel the subject of school funding is one that is in need of serious evaluation. And I feel that the voucher system is the best way we can tackle the subject. Now instead of just talking about making reforms we can go ahead with it and actually do something about it. Our schools need to better prepare out students for their lives. The only foreseeable way to do this would be to impose the voucher system. Without it there will be no competition among schools and there will be no more advancement than there currently is. If we have competition this will encourage improvement among our children, it will make them come up with new ideas and push to really make themselves the best students they can be. In closing I must say that all children are different, so we need to treat them all different and appeal to how each of them learns. If we do not do that then we are keeping ourselves in that downward spiral.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Outlin of an ICT project for a hairdressing business
The Hair Studio has recently opened in the local Sutton Coldfield neighbour hood. The Salon has been open for the past 6 months. This new Hair salon has a variety of products that it sells, such as hair and care product to enhance the hair and improve it also it has a selection of professionals that cut and do re-styling of the hair. The salon has been experiencing many problems in the past couple of months since it has opened. All the customer details have been stored in filing cabinets. The disadvantages of having the information of the customers stored in filing cabinets are that the cabinets take up space and too much room of the salon which may cause some inconvenience. There is also a probability that some of the customer details could get misplaced of even lost therefore this could lead to customer complaints. The reputation of the salon could lessen and this will affect the company sales and income. The hair salon is not efficient enough because other problems could occur such as double bookings this would cause confusion for the salon. The salon needs to advertise their business since it is new to the local area and they could do this by putting up poster and other methods such as making leaflets. The opening hours of the shop should be put on the salon door so the people are aware of the opening hours of the hair salon. I am an ICT specialist and I have been approached by the Hair Studio salon business and they have asked me to design an ICT solution which is a new system that will help salon to hopefully function more smoothly. This new ICT system that I will give the hair salon will help the business become more organised and can handle the client’s data more efficiently. The ICT system should make a huge difference to this business and the hair salon should have a vast benefit from the changes that will take place within it business. This will make the salon work more effectively and make the salon more reliable so this can fulfil customer loyalty and there will be no customer complaints. The new ICT should make a huge difference to the salon and solve all their problems at present. I am going to solve all these problems at present by using the ICT system which will allow the data of all the clients to be managed in a securely and safe way so no other person from a third party can enter the clients personal details. The system will be able to save and store the records of each client who comes to the hair salon frequently, and this will make it easier for the details to be handled by a member of staff. To make the information organised in a professional style I can make columns for the ICT system such as Name, Surname, Address, telephone/mobile number this will go under the personal details section and the other section will be where all the appointments will be booked in the appointment booking system. This will help the salon manage the details in an organised manner and there will be secure.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Birth Mark
Critical Essay 4 Close Reading â€Å"The ‘Birthmark†that was written a little over a century ago by Nathaniel Hawthorne, seems to be an early story of our modern fascination with physical flawlessness. In looking at today's society, it is simple to see that humans are fascinated with perfection. This fascination may be for physical perfection, emotional perfection, or career perfection. Unlike today's society, where flawlessness is wanted by the person directly involved, the character in this story looks for flawlessness in the one he should love without condition.The character becomes so obsessed with wanting perfection that he gives up true happiness. Thus, we can say that â€Å"The Birthmark†expresses a very profound meaning; men make an effort to change nature in order to make it more flawless than it already is. Even though â€Å"The Birthmark†by Nathaniel Hawthorne was written in the mid-1800s, its subject and ideas still play a part in todayâ€⠄¢s society. â€Å"In the late eighteenth century, where the story took place, science was still somehow associated with magic. †(1) And Aylmer's ‘science', could be called alchemy, which is somewhere between science and magic.It can be stated that Aylmer, the scientist in â€Å"The Birthmark,†is very much a result of this age of invention. Aylmer could have been a scientist or maybe even a magician. But we can definitely say he was in pursuit of control. He seeks control. The story starts off with a scientist who finds a bride. As the story continues on the freshly married couple starts to make discoveries about each other. Aylmer who is a man of perfection bases his decision to marry Georgiana believing that she is nothing but perfect. Nevertheless, his bride, Georgiana, appears to have a birthmark on her face that Aylmer wants to remove.Aylmer believes that the birth mark is a symbol of flawlessness on a beauty; On the other hand, Georgiana believes it is a b lessing. To me Aylmer made the mistake of marrying Georgiana because of perfection. In life we must understand that not everyone is perfect. Everyone has flaws including ourselves, and in this story Aylmer did not understand this. Georgiana’s birthmark on her face made her very different and special from other women. Aminadab said, â€Å"If she were my wife, I’d never part with that birth-mark†(Hawthorne 6). This quote opposes what Aylmer thinks; that the birthmark is ugly and needs to be removed.Aminadab tells Aylmer that the birthmark is unique, and he would not want to remove it because it makes her different. The birthmark has a very unique shade and shape to it, â€Å"In the usual state of her complexion- a healthy, though delicate bloom; – the mark wore a tint of deeper crimson, which imperfectly defined its shape amid the surrounding rosiness†(Hawthorne 2). Hawthorne often refers to the birthmark as the â€Å"Crimson Hand. †Not onl y is the color of the birthmark unique, but the shape is unique, as well. Not all birthmarks are crimson and look like a hand, and few people have a birthmark as unique as Georgiana did.Although Georgiana birthmark is unique, it is also a human flawlessness to Aylmer. Aylmer wanted to prove to Georgiana it was flawlessness to her face. Aylmer convincingly said, â€Å"No dearest Georgiana, you came so nearly perfect from the hand of Nature, that this slightest possible defect- which we hesitate whether to term a defect or a beauty- shocks me, as being the visible mark of earthly imperfection†(Hawthorne 2). Aylmer thinks the birthmark makes Georgiana ugly and wants to do whatever it takes to remove it from her face. Aylmer cannot stand to look at his wife with this horrible birthmark on her face.I feel as though everybody has their own beauty that’s within them that can’t be changed. I understand that nobody can change the inner or outer beauty of a person it wil l always be there no matter what changes they make or try to hide. Beauty is something unique and it shouldn’t be altered by any one, each individual has something that is beautiful about them even if there outer appearance is not so beautiful. In the end of the story we understand that the symbolism of the birth-mark had represented death because, Georgiana died at the end of the story because, Aylmer was trying to change something that was meant to be left alone.Hawthorne said,†As the last crimson tint of the birth-mark that sole token of human imperfection-faded from her cheek, the parting breath of the now perfect woman passed into the atmosphere, and her soul, lingering a moment near her husband, took its heavenward flight. †(p. 650) Had Aylmer would have accepted his wife as she was she probably wouldn’t have died of the death of his hands. So it was his fault really because, he made her felt as if her birth-mark was an ugly thing on her face. When it really was not ugly it brought her appearance out it made her even more beautiful and special.As individual we must learn sometimes to let things be, as I like to say â€Å"let and let God. We must know that everything is not meant to be change. â€Å"The Birthmark†is very psychological, rigorously dealing with the plain mind of the characters as if the portentous narrator told the story from within their mind, other than observes it from the outside. The description by a person outside of the story, other than a character from within, does not inspire the reader to understand with one character more than the other. It also allows the reader to understand the story and its characters based on how the audience feels.Using third person point of view, Hawthorne defines the characters and lets the audience to try to understand what each of them is thinking. Hawthorne wrote a great story in this story Hawthorne sends a message that we as individuals have always made every eff ort for perfection in all aspects of our life, but sometimes our own pleasant perception of it dominates the possibilities that some people will take to achieve those aspects of perfection. Whether an athlete decide to us drugs in order to be able to run faster or to hit harder, for them to be able to reach a greater level than anyone else to that unachievable goal of perfection.Better yet, surgeons who try and play God and perform plastic surgery on patients to make the patient believe and feel that they have the perfect look and smile or appearance. â€Å"The Birthmark†was a very interesting book, in that Hawthorne explores a person’s sense of perfection and how far they will go to reach it. Works Cited Booth, Alison and Kelly J. Mays. The Norton Introduction to Literature, Shorter Tenth Edition. New York, London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2010. SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on The Birthmark. †SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes
Thursday, November 7, 2019
School Crime Essays
School Crime Essays School Crime Essay School Crime Essay According to the National School Safety Center, the rate of violent school crime has dropped between 2003 and 2004. The rate of violent crime victimization at school remained lower than the rate of victimization away from school. Younger children were more likely to be victims of violent crime at school, while older students were more likely to be victims of violent crime away from school. Although there was some movement in other crime statistics, those for fighting and drinking at school remained flat (National School Safety Center, 2006, p. 2).Some of these findings are also reflected by the findings of the Departments of Education and Justice between 2005 and 2006. However, the second report indicates that an increase in homicides occurred between 2004 and 2005 over the figures reported between 2000 and 2001. An average of 55 victimizations were reported per 1000 students during the 2004-2005 school year, with approximately one homicide or suicide school-age youth at school per 2 million students. Regardless, these figures are still down from the same block of figures from the 1990s (Departments of Education and Justice, 2006, Executive Summary).The media, however, chooses to report school violence as if it is a steadily growing wave, with an increasing number of increasingly more violent occurrence every year. Despite the steady decrease of the incidence of violent crimes in schools, the media chooses to report that violent crime remains a problem in schools, despite the use of safety devices such as metal detectors and despite the presence of security guards. The media tends to focus on reporting the sensational occurrences and speculating on why so many Columbine-like shootings seem to be occurring, rather than reporting the actual decline in school homicides. This presentation detracts from the efforts that have been made to correct the incidence of school violence.ReferencesDepartments of Educ ation and Justice. (2006). NSSC review of school safety research. Retrieved March 31, 2007 from School Safety Center. (2006). Indicators of school crime and safety: 2006. Retrieved March 31, 2007 from
Monday, November 4, 2019
A Perfect Response to an Imperfect Storm
A perfect response to an Imperfect storm Twelve days. That’s how long it took for Mississippi power to restore electric power to the heavily damaged areas of southern Mississippi after hurricane Katrina slammed into the Mississippi gulf coast on august 29, 2005, with 145-mph winds and pounding rain. That’s remarkable, given the devastation that news photos and television newscasts so graphically displayed. It’s something that even the federal and state governments could not accomplish. How bad was the damage company employees dealt with? One hundred percent of the company’s customers were without power.Sixty-five percent of its transmission and distribution facilities were destroyed. And yet, this organization of 1,250 employees did what it had to do, despite the horrible circumstances and despite the fact that more than half of its employees suffered substantial damage to their own homes. It speaks volumes about the cultural climate that the managers of Mississippi power had created. As a corporate subsidiary of utility holding company southern company, Mississippi power provides electric services to more than 190,000 customers in the Magnolia state. When Hurricane Katrina turned toward Mississippi. Managers at Mississippi power swung into action with a swift and ambitious disaster plan. After Katrina land fall, Mississippi power management team responded,†with a style designed for speed and flexibility, forget thing done amid confusion and chaos. †David Ratcliffe, senior executive of southern company said, â€Å"I could not be prouder of our response. †What factors led to the company’s ability to respond as efficiently and effectively and effectively as it did?Imagine this is your second day at work as a manager supervising a team of financial analysts in the major technology corporation. Your boss the chief financial officer, calls you in and asks you to have your team find â€Å"creative†ways of improving sales figures. Look back at the framework in exhibit 3-8 and think about the potential consequences as you decide which of the following option you will choose, and why. Option A: Call a meeting of your analyst team and present the boss’s request as a hypothetical challenge designed to sharpen their skills. Present the results to your boss without telling the team. Option B:Work by yourself to dream up a few outlandish, impractical ideas so you can avoid being seen as someone who is not committed to your company’s success. Option C: Privately discuss the situation with the human resources manager who hired you (or another manager you trust) and explain why you are concerned about your boss’s request. One key element is the company’s can-do organizational culture, which is evidenced by important values inscribed on employees’ identification tags â€Å"Unquestionable trust, Superior performance, Total commitment. †Because the values were visible daily, employees knew their importance.They knew what was expected of them, in a disaster response or in just doing their everyday work. In addition, through employee training and managerial example, the organization had, â€Å"steeped its culture†in Stephen covey’s book, The 7 habits of highly effective people. (The company’s training building – the covey Center-flooded during the storm. ) These ingrained habits-be proactive; begin with the end in mind; put first things first; think win/win; seek first to understand then to be understand; synergize; and sharpen the saw-also guided employee decisions and actions.Another important element in the company’s successful post-storm response was the clear lines of responsibility of the 20 â€Å"storm directors,†who had clear responsibility and authority for whatever task they had been assigned. These directors had the power to do what needed to be done backed by unquestionable trust from their bosses. Said one, †I don’t have to ask permission. †Finally the company’s decentralized decision making approach to contribute to the way in which employees were able to accomplish what they did. The old approach of responding to a disaster with topdown decision making had been replaced by decision making being push further down to the electrical substation level, a distribution point that serves some 5,000 people. Crews working to restore power reported to these substations and had a simple mission – get the power back on, â€Å"Even out –of –state line crews, hired on contract and working unsupervised, were empowered to engineer to there solutions. †What the crews often did to â€Å"get the power back on†was quite innovative and entrepreneurial.Would these stack holder change if there was a disaster to which company had to respond? Answer: Stakeholders are the groups and individuals who affect and are affected by the achievement of the organization’s mission, goals and strategies. Providing electric services to more than 190,000 customers in the Magnolia state is important to Mississippi power and stake holder. To provide electric services, to more than 190,000 customers in the Magnolia state; trust among stack holder is very important. Unquestionable trust, Superior performance, Total commitment will be the concern among the stake holders. Another important element is, clear lines of responsibility in case of stake holder. Yes, these stack holder change if there was a disaster to which the company had to respond. The reason behind it is, they learn a lot during the disaster and learn the importance of togetherness and planning. 2. What could other organization learn from Mississippi power about the importance of organization culture? Answer: There are so many lessons learned from the case of Mississippi power to all the organizations and individuals as well. The important learned is, to maintain the good culture of organization.Along with that, respect each other is one of the aspect all the organization can learn from Mississippi power case. Since, values were visible daily, employees knew their importance. Another point is, we should be ready with the disaster recovery plan and we should keep on working on that. One more point the other organization learn is, decentralized decision making approach to contribute to the way in which employees were able to accomplish what they did. Avoid responding to disaster with top down- decision making, instead; decision making being push further down ground level.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Equity andTtrusts- problem question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Equity andTtrusts- problem question - Essay Example 250,000, and if the civil partner /spouse has survived more than 28 days of the deceased , then he is entitled to receive whole of ? 250,000 or less. If the net estate is more than ? 250,000 , then , the first ? 250,000 together with the personal possession to civil partner/spouse. Fifty percent of the balance should be equally shared among kids. The civil partner /spouse will also have the right to the interest on the balance amount of deceased estate during his life time only, and then children of the civil partner /spouse will receive the same in equal shares after the life time of the civil partner or spouse. ( In case of intestacy, if the claimant is not a registered civil partner or married, then he may not get a share in the deceased property automatically. If the deceased has not provided for the cohabitating partner in some other way, then such partner can make a claim under the provisions of the â€Å"Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Ac t 1975.†In case of cohabitation, the surviving partner has to demonstrate that she or he had maintained either partly or wholly by the deceased. Further, a cohabitating partner has to make the claim within the 6 months from the date of the issue of letters of administration. ( The position of children’s of cohabitated couple is somewhat awkward under U.K laws. Schedule 1 to the Children’s Ac 1989 offers power to the courts to order some financial relief for the advantage of children despite the status of the parent’s affiliation.(Barrington, A,2001). Stack v Dowden This case was about the rights over a property over which cohabitation partners lived together before their separation. This case codifies new structure within which cohabitant rights are to be decided and will pave to greater simplicity and certainty for future cases. In this case, the cohabitant couples separated after having four children. There was one residential place, w hich was co-owned by them and a suit was filed the estranged male partner for equal division. Finally, the House of Lords upheld the Court of Appeal’s ruling that Ms Dowden was entitled to 65% and Mr. Stack to 35% House of Lords might have given higher share to female partner on considering the factor that she had four children and also contributed substantially for the purchase of that house. ( In this case, Pauline Jonathan will be the legal heir of Jonathan Reisberg as she is the daughter of Jonathan’s erstwhile wife. In the problem, it has been stated that they were in separation for the last fifteen years and there is no mention about a divorce. Since Lorraine Lexington is a cohabitating partner, either she or his children have no legal rights to inherit Jonathan’s estate as he died intestate. Lorraine Lexington, as a cohabitating partner can make a claim under the provisions of the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Depen dents) Act 1975. The triplets can seek relief under Schedule 1 to the Children’s Ac 1989 offers power to the courts to order some financial relief for the benefit of children despite of the status of the parent’s relationship. Validity of a Cheque under UK Laws Under UK laws, there is no definite guideline about the validity of a cheque. Banks in UK normally will refuse to honour the cheques if it is more than six months old. However, it is at the discretion of the bank that deals with it. Cheques will
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