Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Typical Criteria Used When Making Decision Regarding a New Location
Area is where a business premise is arranged or built up. Settling on a choice on a district to set up another endeavor can be a troublesome undertaking. Whatever the undertaking, there are various elements that assume a fundamental job in deciding another location.Advertising We will compose a custom appraisal test on Typical Criteria Used When Making Decision Regarding a New Location explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More First, work ought to be considered as far as accessibility of talented specialists, their number and cost engaged with securing it. This is urgent as creation ought not be deferred. This factor is of high weight (Khanna 120) Supply of crude materials is the following component to consider. Endeavors ought to be set up in region where there is quality flexibly of crude materials at sensible expense; for instance, the earthenware business ought to be situated close to stream banks as it requires enormous amount of dirt to be created subsequently they ought to be set up close to providers of crude materials (Kathleen 221). This will help with lessening cost of shipping the materials and ensuring that provisions are conveyed on schedule. This factor is of medium load as it is progressively essential in assembling organizations. Nearness to the market is considered as far as closeness to the objective market. For example, an item which targets youngsters ought to be arranged where there is satisfactory populace of the adolescent. For instance, setting up a music store close to understudy network like University of New York will give the business a prepared market (Khanna 187). This factor is of high weight. Foundations, for example, water, quality streets, rails and nearness to key air terminals, are additionally to be considered. This will assist with limiting expense of moving crude materials, work and prepared products to the market (Talloo 57). Government help is the following issue to be thought of. Government may offer motiv ators, for example, credits, awards, or expense impetuses to organizations that are set up in certain assigned zones. For instance, in the USA, authors of Pacific Hotel were offered charge motivations so as to reestablish the noteworthy structure for the present use (Kathleen 124). In this way the premises set up in those assigned locales gain from impetuses given in those regions. This factor is of low weight on the grounds that there are just not many assigned territories where such help is offered.Advertising Looking for evaluation on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Local people group contemplations are additionally significant as they center around the neighborhood populace and their inclinations, while settling on new areas for an endeavor (Talloo 59). For instance, it is disadvantageous to the business to set up a material assembling organization work in making Muslim hijab in New York. Und er such a situation, there will be a low interest for this produce as there are generally relatively few Muslims among the neighborhood populace, in this way this organization will need prepared market for its garments. This factor is of medium weight. Accessibility of land ought to likewise be thought of, while setting up new reason. This is vital as the association may consider on extension for raising the structures, for example, distribution centers, carports, stores or different offices (Kathleen 136). This factor conveys medium weight. Natural effect and emanating removal ought to be thought of, when thinking of a choice on new areas. For instance, organizations which transmit noxious substances ought not be situated close to neighborhoods. This will assist with keeping away from negative effect on the wellbeing of the occupants just as bringing suits against the organization Khanna 189). This factor is of high weight. All in all, land area impacts the accomplishment of any ne w undertaking, and care must be practiced in settling on the choice on new areas by assessing the previously mentioned factors. Works Cited Kathleen, Allen. Enterprise for Dummies. USA: Libraries Unlimited, 2005. Print. Khanna, Ravi. Creation and Operations Management. India: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2007. PrintAdvertising We will compose a custom appraisal test on Typical Criteria Used When Making Decision Regarding a New Location explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Talloo, Thelma. Business Organization and Management. India: Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2007. Print. This appraisal on Typical Criteria Used When Making Decision Regarding a New Location was composed and put together by client Korbin Banks to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for examination and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Strategic Managment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Key Managment - Assignment Example It includes the mission, vision and destinations of the organization and furthermore the approaches and plans that are made to accomplish these targets. Vital administration encourages the organization to choose about designating assets and plans in various projects and activities (Sadler, 2003). Our inquiry pose to us to talk about and break down the key abilities of HSBC and Oman International Bank during their merger in Oman. While applying a reasonable hypothesis from the vital administration setting, we have chosen the SWOT investigation system for the given contextual investigation and in the accompanying segments we will talk about the different quality, shortcoming, opportunity and dangers part of these associations. HSBC has worked in Oman since 1948 and has chosen to consolidate its Oman branch with Oman universal bank. Key ability and quality of HSBC in the merger can be expressed as the open door the bank will get the opportunity to put $97.4 million extra capital in a ke y economy like Oman in inlet. As HSBC is available over yonder for a long time in Oman accordingly they have perceived that this merger as an open door which will furnish them with loads of chances in Oman. On the opposite side, OIB is the fifth biggest bank is Oman who had net resources of $3.2 billion toward the finish of December. The quality of the merger with HSBC Oman will furnish the organization with enormous extra capital and the 60 years of working experience of HSBC and the merger won't impact on the posting of OIB on Muscat Securities Market. The shortcoming of HSBC Oman before the merger is that HSBC has absence of chance and the shortcoming of OIB is that it is in the fifth situation in the nation and has absence of potential staffs. This merger will make the biggest bank in Oman. Question 2 Identification and Critical assessment of the change the board style that I believe is proper for the new association Change the board can be characterized as a methodology which i s utilized in progressing any group, organization or any person to transform it in an ideal state. It is an efficient methodology which manages the change from both side of an organization and person. Change the executives has various viewpoints which incorporates adjusting the change, controlling change and affecting change (Anderson, 2010). From the part of this case, I will get a kick out of the chance to relate it with the view purpose of Kurt Lewin’s change the executives style. The hypothesis is otherwise called the Unfreeze, Change, Freeze or refreezes (Liu, 2011). Unfreezing stage is the most significant stage in change the board. It shows that the organization ought to be prepared to change. It includes the comprehension with respect to changes. The initial step includes moving an office or individual or whole business association towards the inspiration that change is important to make due in this regularly changing serious condition. The subsequent stage alludes to the progression towards change. Since change isn't occasion, it is a regular procedure. Progress is the inside development towards the change. It implies the organization is unfrozen and moving towards another structure. Solid abilities and backing is important in this phase through preparing and directing. Same if there should be an occurrence of HSBC bank Oman SOAG, new organization needs this change procedure to unfreeze itself to continue
Friday, July 31, 2020
The InterviewPart 2
The InterviewPart 2 Not surprisingly, you all seem to be the most interested about how the interviewer will evaluate you in the process and what role the interview plays in selection so while I’d planned to start at the very beginningâ€"a very good place to start, I think I’ll have to start in the middle of the process instead. Most of the comments/questions I received last time had to do with what the ECs look for, what questions they ask and how they evaluate the student. I can’t cover all of it at once cuz it would just be too long but I’ll try to make a start here. There isn’t any one piece of your folder that will cause us to admit or not admit you. Instead it’s about the complete picture of who you are as a student, as an individual, and as a citizen of your world. You don’t make up for one part of the application with another but each adds another piece to the puzzle which when completed is the picture of you. There is no bad essay or bad interview report for as long as they are honest and reflective of who you are they are of value to us in the process. A number of students called me last year because they were afraid they had had a bad interview so wanted another one. Sadly, we don’t have enough ECs to allow everyone to try again but I do know that every time I checked with the EC about the interview they didn’t feel the interview had been bad at all and each one had great things to say about the student. During the interview ECs will ask you a serious of questions and most you will not be able to answer with a simple yes and no, but that’s a good thing. The more descriptive and complete your answer, the more fun the interview will be. They won’t ask you about your scores and grades but they will ask you about things you like about school or different activities and then they’ll ask you to tell them more about what you like best about the things you do. An EC told me recently that she was always looking for that subject that made the student’s eyes light up when they talk because that showed her what they found most interesting. I’m not saying we expect you to light up a room (although perhaps we could solve the energy crisis that way:-). Instead, just talk about those things that are of greatest interest to youâ€"the things you’d miss doing the most if you had to give them up. The downside of the admissions process is that we don’t as admissions officers get to meet each of you personally but instead only get to know you by what you and others write about you. The interview is one of the ways that we can personalize the information. ECs don’t make decisions about whether or not you are admitted to MIT nor do they tell us who we should and shouldn’t admit. Fortunately for them (and sometimes unfortunately for my colleagues and me) admissions officers have to do that. In fact, when you ask them what your chances of being admitted is, they just can’t tell you because all they know about you is what you tell them. We DON’T tell them anything else. So the best way to prepare for your interview is to plan to talk about yourself and the things you like. The EC will like you and you will like them. You already have lots in common. They love MIT as much as you do, or they wouldn’t be sitting there.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Debt Repayment Capacity Suggested A Large Emporium Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 1969 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? This chapter keeps the following structure: section 4.2 put forward the research questions, 4.3 present the data sources and hypotheses of the study and section 4.4 relates to the methodology employed explaining the econometric model to be used. While the following chapter concentrates on the empirical findings. 4.1 Introduction The literature and empirical findings on debt repayment capacity suggested a large emporium of macroeconomic variables which determines the servicing capacity of a countrys external debt and thereby affecting the economic performance of a country. The study here employs the most relevant variables determining the servicing capacity of debt for a developing state economy Mauritius. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Debt Repayment Capacity Suggested A Large Emporium Finance Essay" essay for you Create order 4.2 Research Questions The curbing effect of international trade post the US Subprime crisis on debt repayment capacity is a matter of concern for an economy. The total public debt of the country being around 57.3 %[1]of GDP in 2011 and external debt represent one third of this percentage. Alongside, it is vital to analyze how the different macroeconomic variables following the economic/financial crisis responding to repayment capacity of the economy. In this optic, a country level analysis through a time series econometric analysis is undertaken for the period 1990 to 2011. The following sets of hypotheses19 are mentioned with their explanation below: 4.3 Data Sources The study makes use of time series data from 1990 to 2011, thus making use of 21 data points just enough for effective regression analysis. The data used for this study has been taken from the World Bank. . 4.4 Methodology Time Series Models describes the historical patterns of data is popular forecasting methods and have often been found to be competitive relative to economic system of equations (particularly in their multivariate forms). These are the work-horse of the forecasting industry. Although time series data are used heavily in econometric studies, they present special problems for econometricians. One common problem is that of serial correlation and another one is that the underlying time series should be stationary. If that is not the case, we encounter the problem of what is known as spurious or nonsense regression (Granger and Newbold (1974)). The term spurious regression is used to describe regression results, involving time series, that look good (the t-values suggest that there is a significant relationship between the two variables) when in fact the truth is that there can be no significant relationship between the two variables. To avoid the spurious regression problem that arises from regressing a non-stationary on one or more non stationary time series, we have to transform the non stationary times series into a stationary times series. Because if a time series is not stationary, we can study behavior only for the period under consideration. As a consequence, it is not possible to generalize it to other time periods. Therefore for the purpose of forecasting, non stationary time series may be of little practical value. Stationarity has always played a major role in time series analysis. To perform forecasting, most techniques required stationarity conditions. Loosely speaking, a time series is stationary if its mean and variance do not vary systematically over time. One advantage is that Time Series Data are very easily available. The Econometric Approach The Economic Model-adapted from Ramlall (2011) Following the literature review, we cannot conclude which variable mostly affect Debt repayment positively or negatively. The central objective is to determine and analyze the most important factors that affect debt repayment in Mauritius. In this view, the following model is to be used: The following model is set up according to Ramlall (2011). Debt repayment capacity is influenced by the macroeconomics factor specified in the model below. DSCR = f (IT, FDI, EXTDEBT, RES, INV) Where, DSCR is Debt Service Coverage Ratio IT stands for International Trade FDI stands for Foreign Direct Investment EXTDEBT stands for External Debt RES stand for Reserves INV stands for Investment For analytical purposes and to conduct various tests, the function has been transformed into an econometric model which can be described as follows: DSCRt = ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²0 + ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²1ITt + ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²2FDIt + ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²3ExternalDebtt + ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²4RESt + ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²5INVt + ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ µt Where the unknown parameter ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ² captures the effects of each variable, ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²0 is a constant also known as the intercept term and ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ µt, the random error term. The t in subscript denotes the use of time series data. Where the dependent variable is rate of interest (ROI) and the explanatory variables are the constant (ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ±), the treasury bills rate (ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²1), usa interest rate (ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²2), inflation rate (ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²3) and money supply (ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²4). The model above, measures the percentage change of interest rate (Y variable) given a percentage change in the macroeconomic factors(X variables). The slope coefficients on the other hand assess the elasticity of rate of interest in respect with the other macroeconomic determinants. A time series analysis will be performed for the period 1990 to 2010. A set series represent a set of observations on the values which a variable takes at different times. Such data are collected at regular intervals for example daily (such as stock prices, weather reports), weekly (such as money supply), monthly (for e.g. unemployment rates, consumer price index), quarterly (e.g. GDP) and annually (such as government budgets). Although time series data are heavily used in many econometric studies, they pose many problems to econometricians. Such can take the form of serial correlation (occurs in time series when the errors associated with a given time period carry over into future time periods) or a problem known as spurious or nonsense regression (Granger and Newbold 1974). The term spurious regression describes regression results which involve time series that look good (the t values suggest significant relationship between the variables) when in fact there can be no significant association between the two variables. A time series therefore is stationary when the mean and variance do not vary systematically overtime. 4.2 The Econometric Approach 4.2.1 The Economic Model-adapted from Maysami, Howe and Hamzah (2004) Stock Market indices are influenced by all the macroeconomic factors specified in the econometric model below. LnS = f {INF, RINT, GRW, LnMS, EXR} Equation (5) where LnS: Ln SEMDEX, INF: Inflation Rate, RINT: Real Interest Rate, GRW: Growth Rate, LnMS: Ln Money Supply, EXR: Exchange Rate 4.2.2 Variable Description and Justification The following criteria have been used as determinants for the selection of variables: existing literature on the topic, economic theory, availability of data and whether they fit well in the model in statistical terms. Before conducting the regression analysis, the study give a concise description of their being in the model. LnS is the SEMDEX (Ln is applied). It is the one of the main indices that tracks the evolution of prices of securities listed on the official market. This variable captures the overall performance of the market and it is the dependent variable in our regression analysis. INF; inflation rate is generally described as a rise in the general price level. Inflation rate is one of the most important national economic statistics. Increase in inflation rates increases the cost of living and causes a transfer of resources from stock market instruments to consumables. This therefore leads to a decline in the demand for market instruments which tends to reduce the volume of trading and thus value of traded stocks with no price increase. Inflation is widely used in many such studies. For example, Maysami, and Koh (2000) make use of this variable in order find a relationship between the Singapore all index and the macroeconomic variables. In the study a negative relationship was hypothesized, however they concluded a significant positive relationship between the stock prices and inflation. RINT; Real Interest Rate, is the lending interest rate adjusted for inflation as measured by the GDP deflator. GRW; represents growth rate of the economy. It is a measure of the value of economic activity within a system. LnMS is the money supply-M2, as defined by the International Financial Statistics comprise the sum of currency outside banks, demand deposits other than those of the central government, and the time, savings, and foreign currency deposits of resident sectors other than the central government. Changes in money supply may affect share prices in 2 ways. First, changes in money supply may be related to unanticipated increases in inflation and future inflation uncertainty and hence negatively influence the share price. Secondly, changes in money supply may positively influence the share price through its impact on economic activity. EXR is the exchange rate of the Mauritian rupee vis a vis the US dollar. Exchange rate is an important variable for as a currency depreciates rapidly, capital flight affects the exchanges trading volume and market index as funds are redirected outside. 4.2.3 Model Specification To be able to carry out the empirical analysis of the link between the selected macroeconomic indicators and the performance of the stock market index, we develop the following model: Equation (6) where St- the stock market index (SEMDEX), INF is the inflation rate, RINT-Real Interest Rate, LnMS-Money Supply, EXR-Exchange Rate, ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²s are the coefficients of the variables and  µt is the error term. Under this chapter, the different hypotheses and variables used are put forward in section 4.2 and 4.3. Section 4.4 presents the data sources, limitations and methodology utilized. The theory of gravity model is explained and the models for our hypotheses are specified in section 4.5. Moreover, a priori report of expected results is set forward in section 4.6. Ultimately, section 4.7 bestows explanation on choice of estimation method. 4.2 METHODOLOGY In order to estimate the impact of financial infrastructure undertaken in Sub-Saharan Africa on financial sector development and growth, the panel fixed effect model and the random effect model are used respectively. An augmented model has been invoked based on the different components regarding the definition of Financial Infrastructure and other financial variables. Firstly, a general equation is estimated. In such an equation, the various variables are likely to interact with each other. In order to choose the most significant variables in explaining financial sector development and growth, a reduced form regression is obtained with the elimination of Domestic credit to Private Sector as % of GDP. Thus, this implies that the ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã‚ ¾from general-to-specificÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã‚ ¸ method is used. On the other hand, in order to test the different hypotheses, the ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã‚ ¾general-to-specificÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã‚ ¸ approach had to be used so as to remove the insignificant variables and it is noteworthy that the variables which need to be eliminated differ from regression to regression. The result will enable in validating one of these hypothesis: H0: Null hypothesis the values of each macroeconomic factor is not related to the debt repayment capacity of Mauritius. H1: Alternate hypothesis the values of each macroeconomic factor is related at any point to the debt repayment capacity of Mauritius In the previous chapters, the different views regarding how exchange rates and stock market are related have been mentioned. In this chapter, the data and the methodology used for this study will be explained. The chapter is structured as follows: section 4.1 presents the data which will be used for the time series analysis and their sources; section 4.2 gives a data analysis and finally in section 4.3 the methodology to be used will be explained. 5.1 Model specification The following model is set up according to Lucio Sarno et al., Shmuel Kandel et al. 2001 Interest rate is modeled in the following specified factors below: Rate of interest = f (treasury bills rate, Money Supply, Inflation, USA interest rate) For analytical purposes and to conduct various tests, we have transformed the function into an econometric model which can be described as follows: ROIt = ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ± + ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²1Treasury billst + ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²2Usa interest ratest + ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²3inflation ratest + ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²4lnMSSt + ut Where the dependent variable is rate of interest (ROI) and the explanatory variables are the constant (ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ±), the treasury bills rate (ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²1), usa interest rate (ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²2), inflation rate (ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²3) and money supply (ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ²4). The model above, measures the percentage change of interest rate (Y variable) given a percentage change in the macroeconomic factors(X variables). The slope coefficients on the other hand assess the elasticity of rate of interest in respect with the other macroeconomic determinants.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
For Many Years, Romanticism Dominated English Literature,
For many years, Romanticism dominated English literature, and consequently American literature, as American writers were heavily influenced by the English. Writers like Poe and Hawthorne were leaders in this form of literature. As thinking changed scientifically, philosophically and spiritually, so did literature. Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn showed American culture in a way it had never been shown, and in doing so became arguably the most famous piece of realist literature. His novel exemplifies the rejection of romantic ideals. Realism started in France, as the rejection of the popular romantic novels. While romantic novels were usually overly dramatic and emotional, realist novels were objective and without a touch of personal†¦show more content†¦He shows the other characters personalities for what they really are, He just gives details of what he sees, giving the reader a realistic view. Huck’s literalness and practicality sometimes make it difficult for him to even play and fantasize the way children do. For example, Tom; a very romantic character, starts a gang with the local boys.Tom says the gang must sign a blood oath, and if they leave the gang their whole family must be murdered. He talks about how the gang will be highwaymen, robbing and killing caravans as they pass by. Huck, being the realistic character he is, takes this completely literal. The gang conducts a â€Å"raid†on what Tom said was a huge meeting between Spanish merchants and Rich A-rabs; when it turns out to be a sunday school picnic, Huck is disappointed. Tom then convinces Huck that Genies had made the whole thing disappear, he then tells Huck how to get conjure the Genie. Huck tries, and reaction shows his realist personality and his reluctance to trust superstition â€Å"So then I judged that all that stuff was only just one of Tom Sawyer s lies. I reckoned he believed in th e A-rabs and the elephants, but as for me I think different. It had all the marks of a Sunday-school.†(Twain, 1884, p. 115, lines 3-5). Huck deals with many hardships in his life, which is a very real concept, as everything is not always perfect and easy. His hardships include a dead mother and a drunken father.Show MoreRelatedEssay about Romanticism1678 Words  | 7 PagesRomanticism, Romanticism, in a way, was a reaction against rigid Classicism, Rationalism, and Deism of the eighteenth century. Strongest in application between 1800 and 1850, the Romantic Movement differed from country to country and from romanticist to romanticist. Because it emphasized change it was an atmosphere in which events occurred and came to affect not only the way humans thought and expressed them, but also the way they lived socially and politically (Abrams, M.H. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Darkness Illuminated Free Essays
Since the conception of humanity, man has been fascinated with that presence which illuminates, yet cannot be touched. Mankind has brought it into his religions, giving it a great deal of importance in his creed. Following in the footsteps of his ancestors, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses light as a tool of God that illuminates the darkness of human iniquity and exposes its permanence. We will write a custom essay sample on Darkness Illuminated or any similar topic only for you Order Now He studies the psychological theme of the impossibility of eradicating sin from the human heart in his novel The Scarlet Letter. The use of light in order to fortify this psychological theme confirms its significance in the novel. As though he were weaving an elaborate tapestry, Hawthorne meshes lights intense symbolism into his characters natures until a chef d’oeuvre manifests itself upon the loom of the readers intellect. This tapestry serves as a subtle background upon which the characters sinful hearts are bared. As Hawthorne navigates the reader through the passages of his dark tale, one follows Hester as she goes to Governor Bellinghams mansion. Light is reflected by almost every aspect of the extravagant dwelling. Through the narrators words, we see the Governors house as Hester sees it: â€Å"†¦though partly muffled by a curtain, it [the hallway] was more powerfully illuminated by one of those embowed hall windows†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Hawthorne 101). One can envision the brilliant sunlight streaming though the immense window, slicing through the facade of the Governors feigned sanctity. Is not simplicity one of the fundamental tenets of the Puritan faith Yet Bellingham, the very person that passed judgment on Hester and her sin is laid bare to the readers opened eye. Here, light shows Governor Bellingham to be corrupt due to his improvident lifestyle. In his genius, Hawthorne defines light not only as a presence, but as an animate consciousness. Still acting as a tool of God, light seems to run away from Hester when she tries to touch it. Pearl, in her inexplicable intuitiveness, says to Hester, â€Å"†¦the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your bosom†(Hawthorne 180). Although Pearl makes this comment concerning the scarlet â€Å"A†, one may argue that the sunlight is actually afraid of Hesters sin, and not the scarlet â€Å"A†. In this case, light is used to remind Hester of her sin and to bring it to the front of her mind as punishment for her adultery. Not only does light show Hesters sin to herself, it shows her sin to others as well. Near the end of the story, Mistress Hibbins speaks with Hester, â€Å"I know thee, Hester; for I behold the token. We may all see it in the sunshine; and it glows like a red flame in the dark†(Hawthorne 237). By shining on the palpable reminder of Hesters sin, the sunlight screams to others of the scarlet letters noncorporeal counterpart: her immorality. Though the scarlet â€Å"A†is intrinsically only a superficial indication of Hesters sin, Mistress Hibbins goes beyond this surface detail when she says, â€Å"I know thee†, implying that she perceives the immutable nature of Hesters sin. Light can expose not only exterior indications of human sin, but can also make known the sin itself. Hawthorne leaves the reader with a crystal clear picture of how light is a brutal reminder of mans permanent sin. It cuts, pierces, even shatters the masks which man tries to place over his sin. Man no longer falls on his knees in awe of the dazzling lightning bolt or the godlike rays of sunlight through misty clouds. He no longer regards light as a magical deity to be worshipped. Despite this, Hawthorne again bestows upon light its original glory as a thing of God. Its role remains constant as an exhibitor of iniquity, a spotlight lancing into the sordid darkness of mankinds damned souls. How to cite Darkness Illuminated, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Old Man And The Sea Essays - The Old Man And The Sea, Marlin
Old Man and the Sea This part of the story has to do with Santiago against nature and the sea. In this part of the story, he goes out and fights nature in the form of terrible forces and dangerous creatures, among them, a marlin, sharks and hunger. He starts the story in a small skiff and moves out in a journey to capture a fish after a long losing streak of eighty-four days. Unfortunately his friend must desert him due to this problem and a greater force, his parents. Santiago must go out into the danger alone. For three harsh days and nights he fights a fish of enormous power. This is the second form of nature he must conquer. Earlier in the story, the first part of nature is himself, for which he must fight off his hunger. This is a harsh part of the story. He manages though to get a few bites in the form of flying fish and dolphin of which he would like to have salt on. This part of the story tells of a cold and harsh sea, that is, one that has value and mystery as well as death and danger. It has c ommercial value as well as the population of life in it. It is dark and treacherous though, and every day there is a challenge. A similar story tells about a tidal pool with life called `Cannery Road'. This part of the story has to deal with figures of Christ. It mainly deals with Santiago as being a figure of Christ and other characters as props, that is, characters which carry out the form of biblical themes. On the day before he leaves when he wakes up, Manolin, his helper, comes to his aid with food and drink. Also a point that might be good is that he has had bad luck with his goal for a great period of time and is sure it will work this time. Later, though, when Santiago needs him for the quest he sets out to do, Manolin deserts him, although he may not have wanted to at this time. In the novel Santiago comes upon a force bigger than his skiff, the marlin which misleads him out far past his intended reach. This is where he starts to lose his strength against something which seems a greater force. Santiago has a struggle of three days, which is significent because of the three days in Easter, and continues to fight on though his goal may not aquire anything. This is another id ea through which Christ did, a struggle to get a goal done even though it may mean certain destruction to himself. This might accomplish nothing but the satisfaction of doing this and also has great risks. Finally he comes upon a painful experience with his hand which is in great pain and won't move. This is useful in the place where Christ loses his physical self and has less to deal with. On the third day, he recovers himself and returns to his home even though his only remaining treasure was a broken skiff, experience, and a torn up marlin. And in the final conclusion, you can see him dragging the mast of his skiff, a cross-like object, in his hand. This story has a certain sequence of events, first it has a hunter vs. his prey. This hunter does respect th e prey. Throughout the book it has this series of events: encounter, battle, defeat, and respect for the prey. This is Hemmingway's `Code of Honor'. This part of the novel has to do with relationships between two characters. The first to discuss are Santiago and Manolin, Manolin being the small follower of the old man named Santiago. Manolin is a small person that follows Santiago and listens to his wisdom. They treat each other unfriendly though for Manolin calls the Santiago 'old man' and he calls Manolin `boy' which seems to be absurd. In that situation I would consider both of them to go see a doctor. The next relationship to talk about would be that between Santiago and the village, which seems to be much better. He is given credit for food and he
Friday, March 20, 2020
APPLES GLOBAL EFFECTS AND VIEWS Essays - Steve Jobs, IOS, ITunes APPLES GLOBAL EFFECTS AND VIEWS JULY 6, 2015 FIN 419 MICHELE HUSS Introduction The only way to do great work is to love what you do. (Jobs, 2015) Steve Jobs knew that his baby, Apple INC., would be a success as long as he worked hard and never gave up. From the very first product, the APPLE I (Apple I, 2015) to the many products today, Apple has been a success in the innovation department. Today Apples worth is more than any other company within the United States and its not hurting in the foreign companies either. Apple has many stores around the world and with some of the new products that its developing it will stay that way. Even though weakness are not public knowledge, regulatory bodies and contemporary issues because takes knowledge from agencies and applies them to their decision making and challenges that are faced and dealt with to better the company's outside perspective. How Apples Global Investment Banking Process has assisted the Organization? The company has changed music forever and had a big impact on publishingand now it's taking aim at a growing segment of the financial sector (Roberti, 2014). Apple is constantly making changes in every sector and now in the global investment banking process. On September 9th, 2014 Apple launched Apple pay. Apple pay is an alternative way for consumers who own the latest technology to pay using their Apple device. Customers can download the Apple pay APP and then input their credit card information, either MasterCard or Visa and with one little wave of the device checkout is done! Global investment banking, is a type of banking that creates capital for not only the company but for the investing bank as well. The investing bank also will aid in the process of trades, mergers with institution and public investors. As in relation to Apple, Apple pay creates capital for their partners MasterCard, Visa and American Express. When customers input their information it is causing customers to use their credit card thus creating capital for the bank. This has assisted Apple with making relationships with banks in order for them to receive capital. Investment banks are happy with Apple, because global sells has been higher than estimated. In 2013 AppleInsider.com reports Apple sold 50 million in sales for just the IPhone which is higher than estimated. Apples steady growth has opened them up for new relationships globally. Apple now has global relationships all over the globe with their technology advanced products. Explain how regulatory bodies affect financial decision making Regulatory bodies are defined as Government body formed or mandated under the terms of a legislative act (statute) to ensure compliance with the provisions of the act, and in carrying out its purpose ("Regulatory Body", 2015). There are numerous government regulatory bodies that influence decisions that are made in the business world, both international and domestic. The government regulatory bodies we expect, but there are other private regulatory bodies that can influence or change a financial decision. Government regulatory committees can make it more expensive for businesses such as Apple to operate by imposing strict guidelines in which a business is taxed and can have stipulations imposed on their business. Apple is a global organization that makes many of their financial decisions based on regulatory bodies or agencies such as the Securities Exchange Committee, Federal Reserve Board and World Trade Organization. When different regulatory bodies all influence how Apple makes its decisions as they have to take the regulations into consideration, allowing for room for their organization to grow. Many of the financial decisions have to do with who they can afford to conduct business with, a partnership for aspects of their business cannot be viewed as negative. By doing this the regulatory agencies can impose penalties and fines that could cost more than that relationship was worth. Apple has experienced the level of financial success because they take every aspect in to considerat ion before they make decisions that could impact their business for years to come. There are private regulatory bodies in the business world, businesses need to pay close attention so that they follow the rules in the private sector. One of the different regulatory bodies that Apple interacts with are the
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
List of Supplies for High School Students
List of Supplies for High School Students One of the best ways to be successful in high school is to have a complete set of study items on hand. Not only will you be prepared for just about every assignment, youll also avoid time-consuming last-minute trips to the store. General Supplies for All Grades Some supplies are necessary to have year after year, no matter what grade youre in. Right before the new school year begins, invest in these items and youll be good to go. You dont have to spend a lot of money to have a full stock of supplies. Many of these items can be found at dollar and other discount stores. Backpack3-ring binderPocket foldersNotebook DividersColored pencilsNo. 2 pencilsErasersPencil sharpenerPencil casePensHighlightersMarkersLined notebook paperGraph paperSpiral notebooksComputer printer paperFlash driveGlue stickHand sanitizerLocker organizersOrganizer/plannerPaper clipsScissorsStapler3-hole punchPoster paintsPoster paperPublic library card Extra supplies might be necessary as well but will differ from school to school and class to class. Check with your teachers for specifics. Supplies for 9th Grade Students beginning their first year of high school may take a variety of classes. Depending on your course schedule, supplies may vary. Algebra I Scientific calculator with fraction key Geometry Scientific calculator with fraction keyCircular protractorRuler marked with inches and centimetersCompass Foreign Language 3x5 colored index cardsForeign language dictionary (or smartphone app)Electronic translator (or smartphone app) Supplies for 10th Grade Many students are likely to take the following classes in 10th grade. Depending on your course schedule, supplies may vary. Algebra II Scientific calculator with fraction key Geometry Scientific calculator with fraction keyCircular protractorRuler marked with inches and centimetersCompass Foreign Language 3x5 colored index cardsForeign language dictionary (or smartphone app)Electronic translator (or smartphone app) Supplies for 11th Grade Juniors should be prepared for typical 11th-grade classes by having these supplies on hand: Biology II Science/Biology dictionary (or smartphone app) Calculus Graphing calculator, such as TI-83 or 86 Accounting Four-function calculator with percent key Foreign Language 3x5 colored index cardsForeign language dictionary (or smartphone app)Electronic translator (or smartphone app) Supplies for 12th Grade Plan for these typical senior-year classes with the following items: Marketing Four-function calculator with percent key Statistics Scientific calculator with fraction key Chemistry or Physics Scientific calculator Foreign Language 3x5 colored index cardsForeign language dictionary (or smartphone app)Electronic translator (or smartphone app) Additional Supplies If your familys budget allows, these items will also be helpful in your studies: Laptop or Notebook Computer: You will likely have access to a computer lab on campus or at the public library, but a laptop or notebook computer with a click-on keyboard will allow you to do your work anywhere.Smartphone: While your teachers will likely not allow phones in the classroom, having access to a smartphone will enable you to use a wealth of education-related apps and websites.Printer/Scanner: Although you may be able to print your work out on your schools printers, having one at home is much more convenient- and it will allow you to check your work more easily. Make sure to get one with scanning capabilities. Scanners can be used to create study guides from your books, which will help you in everything from preparing for tests to writing a research paper.Post-Itâ„ ¢ Easel Pads: This item is useful for brainstorming, especially in a study-group setting. Its basically a pad of giant sticky notes that you can fill with ideas and list items and then stick to a wall or any other surface. Smartpen by Livescribe: This is a favorite tool for math students, who may get it during a lecture in class, but then lose it when they sit down to work the problems on their own. The Smartpen will allow you to record a lecture while taking notes, and then afterward place the pen tip on any word or drawing and listen to the part of the lecture that was taking place when those notes were recorded.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Working Impression Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Working Impression - Case Study Example If the working impression holds after confirmatory test/s, then it will hold to be the diagnosis, and the future steps will be dedicated onto eradicating the sources and treating the symptoms accordingly. However, if the PWI turns out not to be the diagnosis, then the differentials will then be tested, so that the primary root of the chief complaint be identified. Treatment will thus be planned based on the definitive diagnosis. Working Impression In coming up with our primary impression, we should look into the information we have for any pertinent data. In summary, we have four female employees of a food distribution warehouse facility who complain of dizziness. They conduct blister packing in an area with a 40Â °F temperature, and two railroad car lines and gas-powered forklifts nearby. The facility also has a special seal that insulates in the cold temperature needed for storage. There was no noticeable odor, nor there mention of a ventilating system for the area. Because multip le cases (four) have been reported in the facility, we consider this as an occupational health issue. Because of the nature of their work, the only possible factors that might have caused dizziness are inhalation of toxic fumes, exposure to chemicals from the food products, and the cold temperature (40Â °F). Because there are no reports of food poisoning caused by the products of the facility, then we can rule out the second factor. In considering the presence of toxic fumes, we must take note that the suspected inhalant must be odorless and colorless. In addition, the special insulating system in the warehouse might have been contributing in keeping the toxic fumes in the facility. A possible source of such fumes must be established, and the symptoms observed in our case should be explained by its presence. With these qualifications, we take carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning as our primary working impression. CO is an odorless, colorless gas that may come from the incomplete burning of organic substances such as gasoline, kerosene, oil, propane coal or wood (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 2008; WorkSafe Victoria, 2008). In our case, CO may have been emitted by the car and forklift exhaust and possibly, a kerosene-powered heater, although the presence of such equipment must first be verified. CO gas interferes with the oxygenation of red blood cells and subsequently of tissues such as the brain, causing dizziness. Other symptoms include chest pains, headache, fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness or nausea. Prolonged exposure may result to weakness, vomiting, confusion, loss of consciousness, coma, and death (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 2008). Differential Diagnoses It is important to consider other causes of the incidents, as the PWI might not be the root cause, or there are environmental conditions that may cause harm to the employees. Low oxygen levels In preserving food products, it is important to have a room wherein ox ygen levels can be kept at a low level (1% to 2%) to prevent the growth of aerobic microorganisms that compromise the quality of food products. This room is referred to as a controlled atmosphere (CA) room. Inhalation of this highly deoxygenated atmosphere from CA room has detrimental consequences to employees, who need oxygen levels of 19.5% to 23.5% to survive. In fact, inhaling a single breath of this highly deoxygenated atmosphere will result to instantaneous loss of consciousness, with consequent brain and health injuries. Employees who work near a CA room are thus susceptible to health risks (WorkSafe Victoria, 2008). If a CA room is present in the warehouse, then this diagnosis is highly likely. Ammonia The cooling condition exposes the employees to many factors. One of
Monday, February 3, 2020
Standard Expository Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Standard Expository Model - Essay Example Farkas said in his article, â€Å"Explicit Structure in Print and On-Screen Documents†, "Information Mapping, both observes display-unit boundaries and provides explicit structure at a much finer level of granularity than the SE model. Two benefits are that readers can easily scan an IMAP document for the specific information they want and can immediately grasp the overall structure of the information map they are looking at." (Farkas, 17) And also Tracey said that "the SE model is inherently dysfunctional for all but literary writing and that both readers and those who write and edit documents benefit greatly by adopting STOP." In addition, the benefit of hypertext with nodes and links can be replaced with the weakness of extended texts of the standard expository model. "There are important benefits in non-linear information environments: Readers are more able to find and read exactly what they care about. Furthermore, they are more fully empowered to follow their unique inte rests and make their own connections among ideas." (Farkas, 223) However, there also are theorists who object to the standard expository model. Montaigne and Chandler do not like the schematic way of reading, for example, STOP documents and IMAP documents. Montaigne argues about the reason why time is limited while we are understanding articles. Chandler agrees with Montaigne but he wants to have an effective way to understand. Montaigne said "I must march my pen as I do my feet," and "Writing is a political activity, and it is a matter of choice for us whether we choose to challenge the prevailing writing conventions rather than to accept or bemoan them."
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Identification of Prednisolone Acetate
Identification of Prednisolone Acetate IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF DRUG The procured prednisolone acetate was identified and characterized based on the following parameters. ORGANOLEPTIC PROPERTIES For the selected samples (drug + excipients) the following organoleptic properties were studied using descriptive terminology. Those were nature, odour and colour PARTITIONING BEHAVIOR OF PA IN DISTINCT LIPIDS: The percent partition coefficient of Prednisolone acetate in selected lipids was analyzed as elucidated elsewhere. On the part of the study/briefly, a mixture composed of melted lipid and 10mL of de-ionized water to this 10mg of PA was added. The resultant mixture was agitated reciprocally for one hour maintained at 50C above the lipid melting point. The quantity of lipid utilized was mentioned in table 1. The resultant dispersion was allowed to cool. Upon making cool both phases were separated by ultracentrifugation ( ) at 15,000 rpm and filtered. The drug content in supernatant was analyzed spectrophotometrically (240nm). The percent partition coefficient was predicted as follows: % partition = w1-w2/w1 x 100 W1 = Amount of drug added W2 = Amount of drug in aqueous phase DETERMINATION OF MELTING POINT PA melting point was determined by capillary method. Theoritical value was compared with practical value. LOSS ON DRYING This method measures the weight of volatile compounds or moisture of any kind which can be driven off under the specified conditions. Stoppered, shallow glass bottle was weighed and dried under the specified conditions. 2 grams of sample was accurately weighed and transferred to dried bottle. Then the loaded bottle was in electric oven, removed stopper and left near by it in drying chamber at 1050c for 2 hours at atmospheric pressure. After two hours the glass container was taken out from oven and weighed it again. The following formula was used for the calculation of LOD % LOD = Mass of test specimen – Mass of loaded bottle after drying/ Mass of sample – Mass of empty glass bottle IR SPECTROSCOPY OF DRUG Thin pellet was prepared using potassium bromide and drug in a ratio of 100:1 respectively. The molecular state of prednisolone acetate was studied using FTIR spectrometer. DSC PA thermogram was obtained in DSC 200 F3 Maia using empty aluminum pan as reference. The accurately weighed 2mg of sample was exposed to temperature range 0oc – 500oc under nitrogen atmosphere (flow rate: 60ml/min) at a heating rate of 10oc/min. UV-VISIBLE SPECTROPHOTOMETER (WAVE LENGTH SELECTION) 10mg of drug was dissolved in 100mL of simulated nasal electrolyte solution (SNES) which results in 100Â µg/ml concentration solution. From this 25 Â µg/ml was prepared. A few ml of this solution is transferred into cuvette (path length of 10mm cell) and scanned in the wave length range of 200-400nm against SNES as blank in double beam UV-Vis spectrophotometer. COMPATIBILITY STUDIES OF LIPID AND SURFACTANT MIXTURE The selected mixtures of lipid and surfactant, lipid and cosurfactant were blended at different ratios like 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 and 4:1. The blend was mixed for 10min and mixtures were observed visually for clarity (or) absence of turbidity. SOLUBILITY STUDIES OF PREDNISOLONE ACETATE The solubility of drug was estimated in different buffers, lipids, surfactant mixture ratios and solvents which are essential during development of formulation. IN DIFFERENT LIPIDS Test tube method was used for analysis of PA solubility in several solid lipids. To determine it 10mg of drug was placed to a test tube and temperature was maintained 50c higher/above the lipid melting point. The lipid was added an increase in quantity of 10mg till PA was solubilized completely and quantity of solid lipid needed for dissolution of drug was determined. IN VARIOUS RATIOS OF SURFACTANT MIXTURE The solubility of prednisolone acetate was investigated in numerous surfactant and co-surfactant ratios range from 1:1 to 4:1(Sur: Co-sur- Sur: Co-sur). Solubility studies were analyzed by adding an excess amount of PA in a 20 mL screw capped containers consisting different ratios of 10mL of each surfactant mixture. The mixtures were vortexed on orbital shaker at 50 rpm for 2 days at 37oc to enhance solubilization. After attaining equilibrium the samples were ultracentrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 30 min to separate the undissolved drug (PA) and supernatant was filtered through whatman filter paper. HPLC grade methanol was used to dilute the supernatant sample and these were filtered with 0.45 Â µm membrane filter. Then, the diluted samples were used to quantify the PA by UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 240nm. IN DIFFERENT SOLVENTS AND BUFFERS The excess quantity of drug was added to 10ml of different solvents includes pH 6, 6.4, 7, 7.4, 8 phosphate buffer, ethanol, double distilled water and methanol in a 25ml volumetric flask. Then flasks were properly capped and agitated at 37Â ±0.5oc in orbital shaker for 48 hours. The samples were filtered through whatman filter paper. The filtrate was diluted using suitable diluent and again filtered using 0.45Â µm membrane filters. Then samples were analyzed at 240nm by UV spectrophotometer. ds COMPATIBILITY STUDIES OF DRUG AND EXCIPIENTS The selected excipients were listed in GRAS (Generally recognized as safe by FDA) and used in various pharmaceutical formulations. Which are procured from reputed national and international manufacturers. The study of compatibility between drug and excipients was followed as. DSC METHOD : Differential scanning calorimetry was carried out using DSC F3 Maia instrument to analyze the melting transitions and heat capacity changes of drug alone and physical mixtures. The physical mixtures were prepared by triturating the PA and excipients in the ratio of 1:10 in a mortar for five minutes. The samples (5mg) were loaded in aluminum pans, sealed hermitically and heated under inert gas i.e. nitrogen at the flow rate of 60mL /min at 10oc/min heating rate ranges/set from 0 oc to 500 oc. The standard reference was an empty alumina crucible. The above said parameters/ conditions were used to analyze the samples and thermograms of DSC recorded/ data recorded using proteus software. Samples analyzed for DSC and FTIR were followed as The above physical mixtures compatibility was also found by adding desired quantity of mixture in glass vials and subjected to 60 oc for 30 days. The physical appearance of mixture was not changed at the end of the study. FTIR API was mixed with different excipients separately and spectral analysis was carried out using FTIR to study the placebo interference. The pressed pellet method was used to study the FTIR spectral studies. In this analysis, test-excipient mixture and potassium bromide were taken in the ratio of 1:100. The mixture when placed in hydraulic press under vacuum pressure of 800 mPa resulted in the formation of compressed thin transparent disc. The molecular states of samples were traced/determined between 4000-1000 cm-1 using Bruker FTIR spectrophotometer. The obtained IR spectra’s were evaluated to determine interactions. The data mentioned in table . Graphical representation shown/given in figure . METHOD DEVELOPMENT OF PREDNISOLONE ACETATE A survey of literature had showed that different instrumental methods like UV, HPLC, and HPTLC were reported for the quantification of prednisolone acetate. The present research work focused on development of UV spectroscopic method for dissolution samples estimation and HPLC for drug content, dissolution and bioanalytical quantification. Preparation of simulated nasal electrolyte solution(SNES) A solution of SNES was prepared by adding 8.77g of sodium chloride, 2.98g of potassium chloride, 0.45g of calcium chloride in water and finally made the volume to 100 mL resulting in pH 5.5. UV-Vis METHOD Stock solution prepartion 100mg of test sample was accurately weighed, transferred into 100 mL volumetric flask. To this little quantity of ethanol was added to dissolve the sample and made the volume up to 100ml using SNES (pH5.5) to get 1000Â µg/ml concentration stock solution. Prepartion of Linearity plot From the above stock solution 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5ml were transferred in separate 100 mL volumetric flasks and diluted up to the mark with SNES to produce 5, 10,15, 20, 25 Â µg/ml concentrations respectively. The absorbance of each concentration was recorded in 1cm cell with SNES as blank at 240nm using Shimadzu, UV spectrophotometer. This procedure was done over for 3 times. With concentration on x-axis and absorbance on y-axis a calibration graph was constructed. Inter day and intraday studies were carried out for the determination of accuracy and precision using 1,5,10 Â µg/ml standard concentration solutions. The readings were tabulated in table and figure . HPLC METHOD PSEUDOTERNARY PHASE DIAGRAM CNSTRUCTION To construct the phase diagrams (prosim 1.0 software) hot water titration method was used. Through these phase diagrams components concentration range was investigated which can be results in existence of large microemulsion area. The surfactants used were tween 80,60,20, Cremophor RH40 and cosurfactants were ethanol, PEG 400. The surfactant and cosurfactants was blended in fixed weight ratios such as 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1. Solid lipids were tristearin, tripalmitin, GMS, stearic acid, Palmitic acid, cetyl palmitate. Lipid was melted at 65oc to this required quantity of hot surfactant mixture was added followed by adding water drop by drop to mixture under stirring with magnetic stirrer until turbidity formed. DEVELOPMENT OF DRUG LOADED MICROEMULSIONS From each phase diagram ME area was calculated by using CAD software. From each lipid, based on the above area values highest area of phase diagram was selected then the ME formulations were taken at required component weight ratios. The procedure of desired microemulsion was as follows. Required amount of lipid heated at 65oc in this 10mg of PA was dissolved. Heated SM and water was added to the above melted lipid mixture under stirring. The mixture was categorized as microemulsions if melt was appeared clear. Then mixture was considered as microemulsion. SOLID LIPID NANOPARTICLES PREPAR TION USING PROBE SONICATOR PA SLNs were prepared by hot lipid microemulsion technique. Drug loaded ME procedure was aforementioned in page No . 2mL of loaded ME was taken in a glass syringe using 22 gauge needle. Then it was added dropwise to a 3mL of cold de-ionized water under ice bath (2-4oc) and sonicated by probe sonicator for different time periods (5, 10, 15 min) specified by box behnken design at 200w amplitude to solidify the SLNs. The tip diameter of probe 8mm was dipped in liquid of 10mm leads to reflecting upwards and wave moving downwards. DRUG CONTENT (ASSAY) DETERMINATION 1 mL of solid dispersion from the formulations selected for evaluation was transferred into 10mL volumetric flask and diluted up to the mark with methanol. Then the solution was subjected to ultracentrifugation for 15 min at 10,000 rpm. Then the supernatant was aspirated, filtered, suitably diluted and measured the absorbance at ÃŽ »max 243nm. The results given in Table HR TEM The surface morphology of prepared SLNs like particle size, particle shape and aggregation were analyzed by HRTEM operating at 120kv voltage. The samples were diluted properly, stained by 2% phosphotungistic acid. A drop of aqueous dispersion was placed /mounted on carbon coated 400mesh copper grids which is to be allowed for 5 min to dry the nanoparticles on grid before examination under IR lamp/AIR DRY and TEM images were recorded with mangnification range from 11500-50000x. PARTICLE POTENTIAL, SIZE AND POLYDISPERSITY INDEX(PI) For the prepared SLNs the mean particle size, zeta potential and PI were performed by dynamic light scattering (DLS) with a zetasizer Nano – ZS90 (Malvern application center, banglore), model ZEN 3690 and equipped with 4mW, 633nm He-Ne laser. The measurements were made at the following conditions: Refractive index of medium: 1.330 Dielectric constant value: 78.5 Viscosity of dispersion medium: 0.8872 Temperature: 250c Then the samples (100Â µl) were diluted to 1mL with de-ionized water to prevent multi scattering and transferred in to a disposable zeta cuvettes to record the particle size. The size measurement angle was 900. The PI value was used to determine particle size distribution. The same instrument was used for the determination of zeta potential using an laser Doppler electrophoresis technique. Zeta potential value was calculated from the mean mobility of electrophoresis values by henry equation. The measurements were done in triplicate. ENTRAMENT EFFICIENCY % EE of the PA was studied by determining the unentrapped drug concentration in supernatant layer(aqueous layer). Accurately measured 5ml of (equivalent to 10mg of PA) nanoparticle dispersion was transferred to eppendorf centrifuge tubes and centrifuged at 15000 rpm for 30 min at -3oc using ultra cooling centrifuge. Then the supernatant was separated, diluted appropriately using SNES and filtered using 0.45 Â µm membrane filter. The filtered samples were estimated by using UV spectrophotometer at ÃŽ »max 240nm against blank. Encapsulation efficiency was determined using the equation. % EE = Quantity of drug added – weight of drug in aqueous phase/ mass of drug added x 100 INVITRO DIFFUSION STUDIES Dialysis bag method was used to determine invitro diffusion release profile of PA and using a USP dissolution apparatus II. Before using dialysis membrane was soaked in SNES for 12 hours and the molecular cutoff of membrane was between 12000-14000. The following conditions were used to carry out diffusion studies. The run speed of paddle: 100 rpm Diffusion medium: SNES (pH 5.5) Volume of medium: 500mL Temperature: 37Â ±0.5oc Time intervals: The SLNs dispersion containing the 10mg/5mL(amount equivalent to one dose of drug) was transferred in dialysis bag and tied at both ends. Then the it was suspended in the receptor compartment containing SNES pH 5.5. An aliquot of 5ml samples were removed at fixed time points from receptor medium. The same volume of fresh buffer was replaced after every time point to maintain constant buffer volume. The fresh buffer was also maintained at the same temperature(37Â ±0.5oc ) similar to sample. The PA concentration was estimated using UV-Visible spectrophotometer at 240nm against blank (SNES). The final optimized sample concentration was further determined by HPLC. The selected formulation results data were shown in Table and graphical representation in figure RELEASE KINETICS The release mechanism of drug from solid lipid nanoparticles were analyzed and determined by fitting the invitro release data to different kinetic models includes Zero, first order, higuchi and peppas-korsemayer. References UV-VISIBLE E.G.C. Clarke, Isolation and Identifeation of Drugs, volume 1 , The Pharmaceutical Press, London, 1978, p. 270
Friday, January 17, 2020
Looking For Alaska Double Entry Journal
â€Å"Two rows behind me, I heard a chair move and turned around to see Alaska standing up, slinging her backpack over one arm†Peg. 39 This quote shows how loyal Alaska is. She believes that what Budge was getting kicked out of class for was not fair so she did what Alaska usually does-spoke her mind. If Budge was going to get kicked out of class and she was going with him. It only makes him like her even more. Rorer adorable,' she said, and I felt the intensity of her eyes on me and looked away nervously. ‘Too bad I love my boyfriend. †Peg. 43 Budge is so in love with Alaska that just the slightest compliment makes his day. He knows there's something between them and I think Alaska knows that secretly too because of the way she looked at him. But again, her boyfriend is the problem. †â€Å"She smiled with all the delight of a kid on Christmas morning and said, â€Å"Hall smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die. Peg. 44 1 had to read this quote over a few time s to really get what she meant by it. This quote shows Alaskan character and who she really Is. She Is not afraid of death by smoking. I think she believes that if you live your life to the fullest, that it doesn't matter what age you re when you die. â€Å"But why Alaska? I asked her. She smiled with the right side of her mouth. Well, later I found out what It means. Its from an Aleut word, Alaska.It means â€Å"that which the sea breaks against,†and I love that. †Peg 53 1 wondered why her name was Alaska through the whole first part of the book, because the name interested me so much. I picked this quote because It shows her being more vulnerable and talking about things like her name and Its meaning. I also Like dhow Budge was so Interested In knowing more about Alaska, and I really do hope they get together later In the book.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Supply Chain Management in a Catering Firm - 2353 Words
GHANA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (GIMPA) PROGRAMME: PROJECT MANAGEMENT SUBJECT:SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT REPORT OF A SUPPLY CHAIN AUDIT OF COOLLAND CATERING SERVICE, ACCRA PREPARED BY: PRESENTED TO: DR. KOFI DADZIE 1. INTRODUCTION Supply chain performance has never been as important as it is today. In a global economy where supply chains, and not companies, battle one another, how a supply chain performs determines who will win the battle. To achieve maximum benefit from a supply chain, a supply chain must be performing at its best or anything it has gained will be short-lived. Yet, many companies are not aware of how their supply chains are performing or even what supply chain they are in. The†¦show more content†¦These distributors import from other countries or buy from major commercial farms such as Darko farms, Afraiwa farms etc. 5.1.4 Warehouse Operators The study team also noted that there were commercial warehouses on hire. Some participants in the chain confirmed that they found it cheaper to keep their products in these commercial warehouses than to operate their own. These warehouses are mainly located in the Accra –Tema area. 5.1.5 Super markets and Key distributors Coolland also buy from supermarkets and key distributors of household wares, drinks and beverages. 5.1.6 Event organizers Corporate and personal event organizers are key players in the chain. They include staff in mainly the corporate affairs and human resource departments of large companies, professional events organizers, and individuals organizing personal events (e.g. weddings, outdooring, parties etc). The model below illustrates Cooland’s business operations from initial material purchase to delivery of products and services to the consumers. The business operation encompasses the flow of information, product, service, financial and knowledge. 5.1.7 Consumers Consumers of Coolland includes those who walk-in to its two restaurants as well as employees and partners of corporate bodies who patronize the food of Coolland. 5.2 Inbound logistics Coolland places orders mainly by phone. Fresh food stuffs orders are made and received every three days with order quantity varied depending on pendingShow MoreRelatedSupply Chain Management in a Catering Firm2366 Words  | 10 Pages GHANA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (GIMPA) PROGRAMME: PROJECT MANAGEMENT SUBJECT:SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT REPORT OF A SUPPLY CHAIN AUDIT OF COOLLAND CATERING SERVICE, ACCRA PREPARED BY: PRESENTED TO: DR. KOFI DADZIE 1. INTRODUCTION Supply chain performance has never been as important as it is today. In a global economy where supply chains, and not companies, battle one another, how a supply chain performs determines who will win the battle. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Gun Control and Public Policy - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1181 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/03/19 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Gun Control Essay Did you like this example? Gun Control and Public Policy Recently, gun control has been a hot topic and many are trying to find a way to please everybody with new laws or to just change or alter the old laws a bit. Gun laws are tricky because the same guns that are protecting us are the same guns that are killing us. Which makes this topic a great topic for review in public policy. Nearly two-thirds of gun deaths are suicides The U.S. gun suicide rate is eight times that of other high-income countries. (Gun Violence in America, 2018) it is also shown that access to a gun will increase the suicide by a gun by three times because it is readily available. Which make sense that suicides by guns are concentrated in areas that have high gun ownership. (Gun Violence in America, 2018) Most people who attempt suicide do not die†unless they use a gun. Across all suicide attempts not involving a firearm, less than five percent will result in death. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Gun Control and Public Policy" essay for you Create order But for gun suicides, those statistics are flipped: approximately 85 percent of gun suicide attempts end in death. (Gun Violence in America, 2018)This is alarming because although the gun violence isnt towards someone else, self-harm is still a great concern. While thinking of gun control and public policy, to models automatically came to mind; the Process model and Incrementalism. The process model is when you analyze the process of public policy. It begins with identifying a problem before trying to move on to the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of the problem. In this case, the problem is gun violence. During the problem identification, the problems are being brought to the forefront for policymakers. The problem with gun violence and gun laws are that a person is more likely to die from a gun then be able to effectively use a gun for self-defense. 21 of 420 homicides (5%) involved a victim who had unsuccessfully attempted to use a gun in self-defense. (Zuckerman,1996) This shows a very big issue because policymakers want to keep that door open to have a weapon for self-defense but if its not even being used in an effective way and typically used in a harmful way it can lead to laws that are not favorable to everyone. The next step is policy formulation which is when policy proposals come in to play, with us going through a major gun crisis right now this is where we are as a nation, we are in the proposal process. This model is a great representation of how policy comes about, however, the common criticism is that it has a narrow focus on process and that it can be ignorant to the content of public policy. As stated before, we are in the policy-making process. We dont exactly know what the laws will be but we are making small changes in the meantime. Currently, we are limiting what kind of guns can be bought by citizens. (Zuckerman,1996) Right now what is proposed is that we restriction who can own a gun or use a gun. The way they are doing so is by requiring a license to get a gun and while applying for that you would have to pass a background check, meaning no criminal would be able to purchase the weapon. Adding to this, a minimum age should be required to purchase (Zuckerman,1996). Another proposal would be to decrease the number of guns for sale and the overall availability. If thats not possible to make it much more unpleasant to buy a gun by increasing the sales tax and raising the prices on ammunition. They also propose a ban on all lethal guns, such as the ones used by the military (Zuckerman,1996), if they can be used in war, we shouldnt be able to access them. Lastly, they want to increase the information on gun use to people and the fatality likelihood would be similar to the existing program on car accident fatalities. (Zuckerman,1996) The second model that fits in with Gun Control would be incremental policymaking, with having a fairly conservative president right now, incrementalism fits in perfectly. It emphasizes existing policies and programs and doesnt typically favor new policy alternatives because it is looked at as threatening or inefficient. There are four reasons that incremental policymaking is done. The first reason is the lack of resources which makes is very hard to identify policy alternatives. Second, usually a previous policy is already viewed as legitimate by policymakers, so why change it. Changing a policy can cause new threats and new or far worse challenges. Third, is the cost to implement a new policy. Heavy investments are put into policies so when the policy changes, many of those investments can be lost. Lastly, incrementalism is politically expedient. Incrementalism reduces conflict, helps to maintain stability, and preserves the political system. I did want to note that I felt as rationalism model (which is a theory based on reason and facts) would probably fit better than incrementalism, based on my views. However, I wanted to show that there are opposing views on this topic and which model stands out to help us understand those views a bit more. I personally believe incrementalism is a downfall in itself because we should want change. However, I can understand the reasons to keep a policy intact and possibly alter it a bit instead of changing it all together. As stated in the article Programs aimed at teaching children to resolve problems nonviolently have been developed and used in hundreds of communities across the country since their primary use has been in schools, they have depended on the support and interest of teachers and school systems for their success. (Zuckerman,1996) This is a good way to keep the current policy intact. It allows for educating on guns at an early age, but not changing anything else about the selling and laws on the guns themselves. Another alternative to actually changing the policy on gun violence would be to reduce the violence that is shown to our children in the media. With hopes that it will reduce violence altogether. Gun violence is a tricky topic because it goes between our amendment of the right to bear arms and our safety. On one hand, incrementalism comes into play because we dont want to alter our amendment. The policy process says that we need to evaluate that amendment and see how we can change it. We are currently feeling this struggle. The biggest incrementalist is the NRA, they dont want the laws to change because they are profiting off of gun sales. They are a great leading force that is hard to stop. With the process model and incremental model being so vastly different, its easy to apply to a topic like gun control because there are a couple of opposing views on it. You can look at it in a more conservative way and apply the incrementalism model or look at it in a more liberal way and dissect the problem and find a solution which closely aligns with the process model.
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