Saturday, January 25, 2020
Identification of Prednisolone Acetate
Identification of Prednisolone Acetate IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF DRUG The procured prednisolone acetate was identified and characterized based on the following parameters. ORGANOLEPTIC PROPERTIES For the selected samples (drug + excipients) the following organoleptic properties were studied using descriptive terminology. Those were nature, odour and colour PARTITIONING BEHAVIOR OF PA IN DISTINCT LIPIDS: The percent partition coefficient of Prednisolone acetate in selected lipids was analyzed as elucidated elsewhere. On the part of the study/briefly, a mixture composed of melted lipid and 10mL of de-ionized water to this 10mg of PA was added. The resultant mixture was agitated reciprocally for one hour maintained at 50C above the lipid melting point. The quantity of lipid utilized was mentioned in table 1. The resultant dispersion was allowed to cool. Upon making cool both phases were separated by ultracentrifugation ( ) at 15,000 rpm and filtered. The drug content in supernatant was analyzed spectrophotometrically (240nm). The percent partition coefficient was predicted as follows: % partition = w1-w2/w1 x 100 W1 = Amount of drug added W2 = Amount of drug in aqueous phase DETERMINATION OF MELTING POINT PA melting point was determined by capillary method. Theoritical value was compared with practical value. LOSS ON DRYING This method measures the weight of volatile compounds or moisture of any kind which can be driven off under the specified conditions. Stoppered, shallow glass bottle was weighed and dried under the specified conditions. 2 grams of sample was accurately weighed and transferred to dried bottle. Then the loaded bottle was in electric oven, removed stopper and left near by it in drying chamber at 1050c for 2 hours at atmospheric pressure. After two hours the glass container was taken out from oven and weighed it again. The following formula was used for the calculation of LOD % LOD = Mass of test specimen – Mass of loaded bottle after drying/ Mass of sample – Mass of empty glass bottle IR SPECTROSCOPY OF DRUG Thin pellet was prepared using potassium bromide and drug in a ratio of 100:1 respectively. The molecular state of prednisolone acetate was studied using FTIR spectrometer. DSC PA thermogram was obtained in DSC 200 F3 Maia using empty aluminum pan as reference. The accurately weighed 2mg of sample was exposed to temperature range 0oc – 500oc under nitrogen atmosphere (flow rate: 60ml/min) at a heating rate of 10oc/min. UV-VISIBLE SPECTROPHOTOMETER (WAVE LENGTH SELECTION) 10mg of drug was dissolved in 100mL of simulated nasal electrolyte solution (SNES) which results in 100Â µg/ml concentration solution. From this 25 Â µg/ml was prepared. A few ml of this solution is transferred into cuvette (path length of 10mm cell) and scanned in the wave length range of 200-400nm against SNES as blank in double beam UV-Vis spectrophotometer. COMPATIBILITY STUDIES OF LIPID AND SURFACTANT MIXTURE The selected mixtures of lipid and surfactant, lipid and cosurfactant were blended at different ratios like 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 and 4:1. The blend was mixed for 10min and mixtures were observed visually for clarity (or) absence of turbidity. SOLUBILITY STUDIES OF PREDNISOLONE ACETATE The solubility of drug was estimated in different buffers, lipids, surfactant mixture ratios and solvents which are essential during development of formulation. IN DIFFERENT LIPIDS Test tube method was used for analysis of PA solubility in several solid lipids. To determine it 10mg of drug was placed to a test tube and temperature was maintained 50c higher/above the lipid melting point. The lipid was added an increase in quantity of 10mg till PA was solubilized completely and quantity of solid lipid needed for dissolution of drug was determined. IN VARIOUS RATIOS OF SURFACTANT MIXTURE The solubility of prednisolone acetate was investigated in numerous surfactant and co-surfactant ratios range from 1:1 to 4:1(Sur: Co-sur- Sur: Co-sur). Solubility studies were analyzed by adding an excess amount of PA in a 20 mL screw capped containers consisting different ratios of 10mL of each surfactant mixture. The mixtures were vortexed on orbital shaker at 50 rpm for 2 days at 37oc to enhance solubilization. After attaining equilibrium the samples were ultracentrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 30 min to separate the undissolved drug (PA) and supernatant was filtered through whatman filter paper. HPLC grade methanol was used to dilute the supernatant sample and these were filtered with 0.45 Â µm membrane filter. Then, the diluted samples were used to quantify the PA by UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 240nm. IN DIFFERENT SOLVENTS AND BUFFERS The excess quantity of drug was added to 10ml of different solvents includes pH 6, 6.4, 7, 7.4, 8 phosphate buffer, ethanol, double distilled water and methanol in a 25ml volumetric flask. Then flasks were properly capped and agitated at 37Â ±0.5oc in orbital shaker for 48 hours. The samples were filtered through whatman filter paper. The filtrate was diluted using suitable diluent and again filtered using 0.45Â µm membrane filters. Then samples were analyzed at 240nm by UV spectrophotometer. ds COMPATIBILITY STUDIES OF DRUG AND EXCIPIENTS The selected excipients were listed in GRAS (Generally recognized as safe by FDA) and used in various pharmaceutical formulations. Which are procured from reputed national and international manufacturers. The study of compatibility between drug and excipients was followed as. DSC METHOD : Differential scanning calorimetry was carried out using DSC F3 Maia instrument to analyze the melting transitions and heat capacity changes of drug alone and physical mixtures. The physical mixtures were prepared by triturating the PA and excipients in the ratio of 1:10 in a mortar for five minutes. The samples (5mg) were loaded in aluminum pans, sealed hermitically and heated under inert gas i.e. nitrogen at the flow rate of 60mL /min at 10oc/min heating rate ranges/set from 0 oc to 500 oc. The standard reference was an empty alumina crucible. The above said parameters/ conditions were used to analyze the samples and thermograms of DSC recorded/ data recorded using proteus software. Samples analyzed for DSC and FTIR were followed as The above physical mixtures compatibility was also found by adding desired quantity of mixture in glass vials and subjected to 60 oc for 30 days. The physical appearance of mixture was not changed at the end of the study. FTIR API was mixed with different excipients separately and spectral analysis was carried out using FTIR to study the placebo interference. The pressed pellet method was used to study the FTIR spectral studies. In this analysis, test-excipient mixture and potassium bromide were taken in the ratio of 1:100. The mixture when placed in hydraulic press under vacuum pressure of 800 mPa resulted in the formation of compressed thin transparent disc. The molecular states of samples were traced/determined between 4000-1000 cm-1 using Bruker FTIR spectrophotometer. The obtained IR spectra’s were evaluated to determine interactions. The data mentioned in table . Graphical representation shown/given in figure . METHOD DEVELOPMENT OF PREDNISOLONE ACETATE A survey of literature had showed that different instrumental methods like UV, HPLC, and HPTLC were reported for the quantification of prednisolone acetate. The present research work focused on development of UV spectroscopic method for dissolution samples estimation and HPLC for drug content, dissolution and bioanalytical quantification. Preparation of simulated nasal electrolyte solution(SNES) A solution of SNES was prepared by adding 8.77g of sodium chloride, 2.98g of potassium chloride, 0.45g of calcium chloride in water and finally made the volume to 100 mL resulting in pH 5.5. UV-Vis METHOD Stock solution prepartion 100mg of test sample was accurately weighed, transferred into 100 mL volumetric flask. To this little quantity of ethanol was added to dissolve the sample and made the volume up to 100ml using SNES (pH5.5) to get 1000Â µg/ml concentration stock solution. Prepartion of Linearity plot From the above stock solution 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5ml were transferred in separate 100 mL volumetric flasks and diluted up to the mark with SNES to produce 5, 10,15, 20, 25 Â µg/ml concentrations respectively. The absorbance of each concentration was recorded in 1cm cell with SNES as blank at 240nm using Shimadzu, UV spectrophotometer. This procedure was done over for 3 times. With concentration on x-axis and absorbance on y-axis a calibration graph was constructed. Inter day and intraday studies were carried out for the determination of accuracy and precision using 1,5,10 Â µg/ml standard concentration solutions. The readings were tabulated in table and figure . HPLC METHOD PSEUDOTERNARY PHASE DIAGRAM CNSTRUCTION To construct the phase diagrams (prosim 1.0 software) hot water titration method was used. Through these phase diagrams components concentration range was investigated which can be results in existence of large microemulsion area. The surfactants used were tween 80,60,20, Cremophor RH40 and cosurfactants were ethanol, PEG 400. The surfactant and cosurfactants was blended in fixed weight ratios such as 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1. Solid lipids were tristearin, tripalmitin, GMS, stearic acid, Palmitic acid, cetyl palmitate. Lipid was melted at 65oc to this required quantity of hot surfactant mixture was added followed by adding water drop by drop to mixture under stirring with magnetic stirrer until turbidity formed. DEVELOPMENT OF DRUG LOADED MICROEMULSIONS From each phase diagram ME area was calculated by using CAD software. From each lipid, based on the above area values highest area of phase diagram was selected then the ME formulations were taken at required component weight ratios. The procedure of desired microemulsion was as follows. Required amount of lipid heated at 65oc in this 10mg of PA was dissolved. Heated SM and water was added to the above melted lipid mixture under stirring. The mixture was categorized as microemulsions if melt was appeared clear. Then mixture was considered as microemulsion. SOLID LIPID NANOPARTICLES PREPAR TION USING PROBE SONICATOR PA SLNs were prepared by hot lipid microemulsion technique. Drug loaded ME procedure was aforementioned in page No . 2mL of loaded ME was taken in a glass syringe using 22 gauge needle. Then it was added dropwise to a 3mL of cold de-ionized water under ice bath (2-4oc) and sonicated by probe sonicator for different time periods (5, 10, 15 min) specified by box behnken design at 200w amplitude to solidify the SLNs. The tip diameter of probe 8mm was dipped in liquid of 10mm leads to reflecting upwards and wave moving downwards. DRUG CONTENT (ASSAY) DETERMINATION 1 mL of solid dispersion from the formulations selected for evaluation was transferred into 10mL volumetric flask and diluted up to the mark with methanol. Then the solution was subjected to ultracentrifugation for 15 min at 10,000 rpm. Then the supernatant was aspirated, filtered, suitably diluted and measured the absorbance at ÃŽ »max 243nm. The results given in Table HR TEM The surface morphology of prepared SLNs like particle size, particle shape and aggregation were analyzed by HRTEM operating at 120kv voltage. The samples were diluted properly, stained by 2% phosphotungistic acid. A drop of aqueous dispersion was placed /mounted on carbon coated 400mesh copper grids which is to be allowed for 5 min to dry the nanoparticles on grid before examination under IR lamp/AIR DRY and TEM images were recorded with mangnification range from 11500-50000x. PARTICLE POTENTIAL, SIZE AND POLYDISPERSITY INDEX(PI) For the prepared SLNs the mean particle size, zeta potential and PI were performed by dynamic light scattering (DLS) with a zetasizer Nano – ZS90 (Malvern application center, banglore), model ZEN 3690 and equipped with 4mW, 633nm He-Ne laser. The measurements were made at the following conditions: Refractive index of medium: 1.330 Dielectric constant value: 78.5 Viscosity of dispersion medium: 0.8872 Temperature: 250c Then the samples (100Â µl) were diluted to 1mL with de-ionized water to prevent multi scattering and transferred in to a disposable zeta cuvettes to record the particle size. The size measurement angle was 900. The PI value was used to determine particle size distribution. The same instrument was used for the determination of zeta potential using an laser Doppler electrophoresis technique. Zeta potential value was calculated from the mean mobility of electrophoresis values by henry equation. The measurements were done in triplicate. ENTRAMENT EFFICIENCY % EE of the PA was studied by determining the unentrapped drug concentration in supernatant layer(aqueous layer). Accurately measured 5ml of (equivalent to 10mg of PA) nanoparticle dispersion was transferred to eppendorf centrifuge tubes and centrifuged at 15000 rpm for 30 min at -3oc using ultra cooling centrifuge. Then the supernatant was separated, diluted appropriately using SNES and filtered using 0.45 Â µm membrane filter. The filtered samples were estimated by using UV spectrophotometer at ÃŽ »max 240nm against blank. Encapsulation efficiency was determined using the equation. % EE = Quantity of drug added – weight of drug in aqueous phase/ mass of drug added x 100 INVITRO DIFFUSION STUDIES Dialysis bag method was used to determine invitro diffusion release profile of PA and using a USP dissolution apparatus II. Before using dialysis membrane was soaked in SNES for 12 hours and the molecular cutoff of membrane was between 12000-14000. The following conditions were used to carry out diffusion studies. The run speed of paddle: 100 rpm Diffusion medium: SNES (pH 5.5) Volume of medium: 500mL Temperature: 37Â ±0.5oc Time intervals: The SLNs dispersion containing the 10mg/5mL(amount equivalent to one dose of drug) was transferred in dialysis bag and tied at both ends. Then the it was suspended in the receptor compartment containing SNES pH 5.5. An aliquot of 5ml samples were removed at fixed time points from receptor medium. The same volume of fresh buffer was replaced after every time point to maintain constant buffer volume. The fresh buffer was also maintained at the same temperature(37Â ±0.5oc ) similar to sample. The PA concentration was estimated using UV-Visible spectrophotometer at 240nm against blank (SNES). The final optimized sample concentration was further determined by HPLC. The selected formulation results data were shown in Table and graphical representation in figure RELEASE KINETICS The release mechanism of drug from solid lipid nanoparticles were analyzed and determined by fitting the invitro release data to different kinetic models includes Zero, first order, higuchi and peppas-korsemayer. References UV-VISIBLE E.G.C. Clarke, Isolation and Identifeation of Drugs, volume 1 , The Pharmaceutical Press, London, 1978, p. 270
Friday, January 17, 2020
Looking For Alaska Double Entry Journal
â€Å"Two rows behind me, I heard a chair move and turned around to see Alaska standing up, slinging her backpack over one arm†Peg. 39 This quote shows how loyal Alaska is. She believes that what Budge was getting kicked out of class for was not fair so she did what Alaska usually does-spoke her mind. If Budge was going to get kicked out of class and she was going with him. It only makes him like her even more. Rorer adorable,' she said, and I felt the intensity of her eyes on me and looked away nervously. ‘Too bad I love my boyfriend. †Peg. 43 Budge is so in love with Alaska that just the slightest compliment makes his day. He knows there's something between them and I think Alaska knows that secretly too because of the way she looked at him. But again, her boyfriend is the problem. †â€Å"She smiled with all the delight of a kid on Christmas morning and said, â€Å"Hall smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die. Peg. 44 1 had to read this quote over a few time s to really get what she meant by it. This quote shows Alaskan character and who she really Is. She Is not afraid of death by smoking. I think she believes that if you live your life to the fullest, that it doesn't matter what age you re when you die. â€Å"But why Alaska? I asked her. She smiled with the right side of her mouth. Well, later I found out what It means. Its from an Aleut word, Alaska.It means â€Å"that which the sea breaks against,†and I love that. †Peg 53 1 wondered why her name was Alaska through the whole first part of the book, because the name interested me so much. I picked this quote because It shows her being more vulnerable and talking about things like her name and Its meaning. I also Like dhow Budge was so Interested In knowing more about Alaska, and I really do hope they get together later In the book.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Supply Chain Management in a Catering Firm - 2353 Words
GHANA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (GIMPA) PROGRAMME: PROJECT MANAGEMENT SUBJECT:SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT REPORT OF A SUPPLY CHAIN AUDIT OF COOLLAND CATERING SERVICE, ACCRA PREPARED BY: PRESENTED TO: DR. KOFI DADZIE 1. INTRODUCTION Supply chain performance has never been as important as it is today. In a global economy where supply chains, and not companies, battle one another, how a supply chain performs determines who will win the battle. To achieve maximum benefit from a supply chain, a supply chain must be performing at its best or anything it has gained will be short-lived. Yet, many companies are not aware of how their supply chains are performing or even what supply chain they are in. The†¦show more content†¦These distributors import from other countries or buy from major commercial farms such as Darko farms, Afraiwa farms etc. 5.1.4 Warehouse Operators The study team also noted that there were commercial warehouses on hire. Some participants in the chain confirmed that they found it cheaper to keep their products in these commercial warehouses than to operate their own. These warehouses are mainly located in the Accra –Tema area. 5.1.5 Super markets and Key distributors Coolland also buy from supermarkets and key distributors of household wares, drinks and beverages. 5.1.6 Event organizers Corporate and personal event organizers are key players in the chain. They include staff in mainly the corporate affairs and human resource departments of large companies, professional events organizers, and individuals organizing personal events (e.g. weddings, outdooring, parties etc). The model below illustrates Cooland’s business operations from initial material purchase to delivery of products and services to the consumers. The business operation encompasses the flow of information, product, service, financial and knowledge. 5.1.7 Consumers Consumers of Coolland includes those who walk-in to its two restaurants as well as employees and partners of corporate bodies who patronize the food of Coolland. 5.2 Inbound logistics Coolland places orders mainly by phone. Fresh food stuffs orders are made and received every three days with order quantity varied depending on pendingShow MoreRelatedSupply Chain Management in a Catering Firm2366 Words  | 10 Pages GHANA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (GIMPA) PROGRAMME: PROJECT MANAGEMENT SUBJECT:SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT REPORT OF A SUPPLY CHAIN AUDIT OF COOLLAND CATERING SERVICE, ACCRA PREPARED BY: PRESENTED TO: DR. KOFI DADZIE 1. INTRODUCTION Supply chain performance has never been as important as it is today. In a global economy where supply chains, and not companies, battle one another, how a supply chain performs determines who will win the battle. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Gun Control and Public Policy - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1181 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/03/19 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Gun Control Essay Did you like this example? Gun Control and Public Policy Recently, gun control has been a hot topic and many are trying to find a way to please everybody with new laws or to just change or alter the old laws a bit. Gun laws are tricky because the same guns that are protecting us are the same guns that are killing us. Which makes this topic a great topic for review in public policy. Nearly two-thirds of gun deaths are suicides The U.S. gun suicide rate is eight times that of other high-income countries. (Gun Violence in America, 2018) it is also shown that access to a gun will increase the suicide by a gun by three times because it is readily available. Which make sense that suicides by guns are concentrated in areas that have high gun ownership. (Gun Violence in America, 2018) Most people who attempt suicide do not die†unless they use a gun. Across all suicide attempts not involving a firearm, less than five percent will result in death. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Gun Control and Public Policy" essay for you Create order But for gun suicides, those statistics are flipped: approximately 85 percent of gun suicide attempts end in death. (Gun Violence in America, 2018)This is alarming because although the gun violence isnt towards someone else, self-harm is still a great concern. While thinking of gun control and public policy, to models automatically came to mind; the Process model and Incrementalism. The process model is when you analyze the process of public policy. It begins with identifying a problem before trying to move on to the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of the problem. In this case, the problem is gun violence. During the problem identification, the problems are being brought to the forefront for policymakers. The problem with gun violence and gun laws are that a person is more likely to die from a gun then be able to effectively use a gun for self-defense. 21 of 420 homicides (5%) involved a victim who had unsuccessfully attempted to use a gun in self-defense. (Zuckerman,1996) This shows a very big issue because policymakers want to keep that door open to have a weapon for self-defense but if its not even being used in an effective way and typically used in a harmful way it can lead to laws that are not favorable to everyone. The next step is policy formulation which is when policy proposals come in to play, with us going through a major gun crisis right now this is where we are as a nation, we are in the proposal process. This model is a great representation of how policy comes about, however, the common criticism is that it has a narrow focus on process and that it can be ignorant to the content of public policy. As stated before, we are in the policy-making process. We dont exactly know what the laws will be but we are making small changes in the meantime. Currently, we are limiting what kind of guns can be bought by citizens. (Zuckerman,1996) Right now what is proposed is that we restriction who can own a gun or use a gun. The way they are doing so is by requiring a license to get a gun and while applying for that you would have to pass a background check, meaning no criminal would be able to purchase the weapon. Adding to this, a minimum age should be required to purchase (Zuckerman,1996). Another proposal would be to decrease the number of guns for sale and the overall availability. If thats not possible to make it much more unpleasant to buy a gun by increasing the sales tax and raising the prices on ammunition. They also propose a ban on all lethal guns, such as the ones used by the military (Zuckerman,1996), if they can be used in war, we shouldnt be able to access them. Lastly, they want to increase the information on gun use to people and the fatality likelihood would be similar to the existing program on car accident fatalities. (Zuckerman,1996) The second model that fits in with Gun Control would be incremental policymaking, with having a fairly conservative president right now, incrementalism fits in perfectly. It emphasizes existing policies and programs and doesnt typically favor new policy alternatives because it is looked at as threatening or inefficient. There are four reasons that incremental policymaking is done. The first reason is the lack of resources which makes is very hard to identify policy alternatives. Second, usually a previous policy is already viewed as legitimate by policymakers, so why change it. Changing a policy can cause new threats and new or far worse challenges. Third, is the cost to implement a new policy. Heavy investments are put into policies so when the policy changes, many of those investments can be lost. Lastly, incrementalism is politically expedient. Incrementalism reduces conflict, helps to maintain stability, and preserves the political system. I did want to note that I felt as rationalism model (which is a theory based on reason and facts) would probably fit better than incrementalism, based on my views. However, I wanted to show that there are opposing views on this topic and which model stands out to help us understand those views a bit more. I personally believe incrementalism is a downfall in itself because we should want change. However, I can understand the reasons to keep a policy intact and possibly alter it a bit instead of changing it all together. As stated in the article Programs aimed at teaching children to resolve problems nonviolently have been developed and used in hundreds of communities across the country since their primary use has been in schools, they have depended on the support and interest of teachers and school systems for their success. (Zuckerman,1996) This is a good way to keep the current policy intact. It allows for educating on guns at an early age, but not changing anything else about the selling and laws on the guns themselves. Another alternative to actually changing the policy on gun violence would be to reduce the violence that is shown to our children in the media. With hopes that it will reduce violence altogether. Gun violence is a tricky topic because it goes between our amendment of the right to bear arms and our safety. On one hand, incrementalism comes into play because we dont want to alter our amendment. The policy process says that we need to evaluate that amendment and see how we can change it. We are currently feeling this struggle. The biggest incrementalist is the NRA, they dont want the laws to change because they are profiting off of gun sales. They are a great leading force that is hard to stop. With the process model and incremental model being so vastly different, its easy to apply to a topic like gun control because there are a couple of opposing views on it. You can look at it in a more conservative way and apply the incrementalism model or look at it in a more liberal way and dissect the problem and find a solution which closely aligns with the process model.
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