Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Plato s View On Morality And Justice - 875 Words
Plato’s Republic proposes a number of intriguing theories, ranging from his contemporary view of ethics to political idealism. It is because of Plato’s emerging interpretations that philosophers still refer to Plato’s definitions of moral philosophy as a standard. Plato’s possibly most argued concept could be said to be the analogy between city and soul in Book IV, partially due to his expansive analysis of justice and the role justice plays in an â€Å"ideal city,†which has some key flaws. Despite these flawed assumptions that my essay will point out, Plato’s exposition on ethics is still relevant for scholars and academics to study, due to his interpretive view on morality and justice. 1. Socrates attempts to formulate a definition of the word, â€Å"moderation,†to investigate how the virtue of moderation comes into play with the human soul. Socrate’s elucidates how moderation is often perceived as â€Å"the mastery of certain kinds of pleasures and desires,†and explore how the controller of the weak and strong are both the same person. Consequently Socrates ridicules the word, â€Å"self-control.†Just as Thrasymachus argues in Book I that justice is, â€Å"the advantage of the stronger,†and whether the people who are actually ruling are those best suited to rule, Plato’s argument also seems to revolve around this concept, as the reader questions whether there is a part of the soul which is naturally suited to rule. To further consider this notion, Socrates discusses how a â€Å"master ofShow MoreRelatedEvaluating Historical Views of Leadership Essay1194 Words  | 5 Pages Evaluating Historical Views of Leadership March 9, 2014 University of Phoenix Evaluating Historical Views of Leadership This paper evaluates the leadership views of Plato, Aristotle, Lao-Tzu, and Machiavelli from the point of view of the modern military leader. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Explore the background of the study, the problem discussion Free Essays
Chapter 1 1 Introduction: This subdivision will research the background of the survey, the job treatment, research inquiries, boundary lines and the clip program for research work. 1.1 Background: In today ‘s information age, the usage of computing machines in any organisation is cardinal. We will write a custom essay sample on Explore the background of the study, the problem discussion or any similar topic only for you Order Now We use computing machine in each and every facet of our lives. Anybody who wants to win in today ‘s universe can non afford to disregard computing machines and information engineering. Any industrial, concern or administrative organisation comprises of different constituents such as employees, concern procedures and the machinery equipment etc. It is indispensable to pull off and use these constituents in order to accomplish the coveted ends. The direction and use of these constituents is possible merely if the managerial governments are provided with the full information about the handinesss and capablenesss of all constituents. For intent to accomplish, Information System ( IS ) was introduced which was an effort to garner the needed information and shop it for efficient running of the organisation in order to accomplish its ends. Subsequently on the demand arose to concentrate on development of some kind of information systems which would be integrated, transverse functiona l and could work expeditiously across organisation. M. Lynne Markus A ; Cornelis Tanis ( 200 ) explained how the demand for such incorporate systems emerged. They highlighted that â€Å"the 1970s vision of a individual integrated information system for the endeavor remained a mirage for the bulk of computer-using organizations†. Software entrepreneurs at that clip started developing integrated package bundles in which multiple functional applications can portion a individual common database. They succeeded in their mission and eventually they came up with such systems/packages known as Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) . Harmonizing to Kumer et Al. ( 2008 ) , ERP systems initiated in fabrication industries and it was the first coevals of ERP system. He farther explained that the development of first coevals of ERP system was an wrong-side-out procedure, expanded and developed from standard stock list control ( IC ) bundles, to stuff demands planning ( MRP ) , material resources planning ( MRP II ) ( B. Johansson and F. Sudzina, 2009 ) . Then advanced it to a package bundle that aims to back up the full organisation ( Second coevals ERP systems ) and this advanced package bundle is so described as the following coevals ERP system branded as ERP II system ( Kumar and V. Hillegersberg ) . In the average clip the unfastened beginning ERP besides came into the market. Harmonizing to Hars and Qu ( Hars, A. and Qu, S. , 2002 ) , Open beginning package derived back in 1950s and sixtiess. When package was sold, macros and public-service corporations were free. â€Å"However, the existent take-off of unfastened beginning package was likely when Richard Stallman founded the Free Software Foundation ( FSF ) that provided the conceptual foundation for unfastened beginning software†( B. Johansson and F. Sudzina, 2009 ) . Open beginning is a particular sort of package development, design and distribution method. It allows entree to beginning codification. It became popular with the rise of cyberspace. Anyone can utilize, modify and redistribute the unfastened beginning package. The entree to the beginning codification provides more freedom to user to retrace or modify the codification harmonizing to their ain demands so that the package best fits their demands. Usually co mmunities of users and developers holding coaction through cyberspace communicate, design and develop unfastened beginning package. Subscribers from different parts of the universe may lend. The communities have capablenesss to alter undertaking beginning codification ; they have regular codification part among themselves. The community reviews the part of the users and developers and accepts that one that fulfills the undertaking criterions. Harmonizing to Bruce et Al. ( 2006 ) , unfastened beginning is mature and has strength in many countries like- OS, application waiters and security tools ( B. Johansson and F. Sudzina, 2009 ) . With the transition of clip different types of unfastened beginning package ‘s came into the market, so as the Open Source ERP besides emerged. Bruce et Al. ( 2006 ) referred it as 3rd moving ridge of Open Source package acceptance. They besides mentioned that concern applications countries like- CRM, ERP, content direction and concern intelligence OS is strong in. The unfastened beginning ERP is a system for advanced concerns taking for planetary coaction. Some of the well known unfastened beginning ERP applications suppliers are Compiere, Opentaps, ERP5, OpenPro etc. 1.2 Problem Discussion Most of the organisations are good familiar with ERP systems and the ERP market is rather appealing for them. The ERP systems have quickly become the de facto industry criterion for replacing of bequest systems ( A. N. Parr and Dr. G. Shanks, 2000 ) . The planetary ERP applications market is turning at a fast rate and continues to turn due to an addition demand for incorporate solutions. The ERP sellers are supplying organisations with different applications for their demands. A. N. Parr and Dr. G. Shanks ( 2000 ) explained it that the sellers of these to the full integrated package ( ERP systems ) offer package which is capable of treating all commercial maps of companies, even if they are diverse or geographically disparate. Despite the significance of ERP systems the world is that ERP is a complex systems, where the complexness comes from the fact that ERP systems are made-up to incorporate the organisation, both inter-organizational every bit good as intra-organizational, and its concern procedures in one ensemble bundle ( Koch, C. , 2001 ) . Nowadays bulk of the ERP sellers are altering their scheme and kept progressively developing it to do their place strong amongst the SMEs along with the big companies ( Amit Bajaj, 2008 ) . Large organisations find it easy to implement ERP systems due to the handiness of sufficient resources. Merely big houses have been able to bask the benefits of ERP systems ( Sandra J. Cereola, 2000 ) .On the other manus for the little and average sized companies it is difficult to deploy such ERP systems in their houses. Most SMEs operate in a extremely dynamic universe, where both internal and external demands may alter ( Branzei and Vertinsky, 2004 ) . Implementing such systems can be dearly-won for SMEs because they may necessitate advisers later on which will breed excess cost for them. SMEs play really of import function in the economic system and it is a important market to concentrate. That is why ERP sellers want to capture little and average sized concern with a figure of offerings which can assist SMEs to take full advantage of ERP without passing much clip, attempts and work force ( Amit Bajaj, 2008 ) . But the demands of the SMEs may be indistinguishable from each other. And they ne’er be bothered about highly decisive functionality, execution and bringing theoretical accounts that can maintain primary and returning costs low ( Michael Dominy, 2004 ) . With the changed scheme to make a centre of attending of the SMEs the sellers came up with new thoughts like- Application Service Providers ( ASP ) , Outsource ERP systems and Pre-configured ERP Applications for SMEs ( Amit Bajaj, 2008 ) . In malice of these attempts from ERP sellers, SMEs are still non profoundly interested to Proprietary ERP. B. Johansson and F. Sudzina ( 2009 ) described, â€Å"There is no uncertainty that there is a great involvement in unfastened beginning. †The increasing involvement in this field can be understood from the OS ERP Project registered in the SourceForge.net. â€Å"SourceForge.net provides free hosting to Open Source package development undertakings with a centralised resource for pull offing undertakings, issues, communications, and code†( B. Johansson and F. Sudzina, 2009 ) . They besides mentioned that the package showed to be highest in the list of download is OpenBravo, which clearly focused merely on the SMEs as they described. Serrano and Sarreiegi ( 2006 ) argued that 12 SMEs successfully implemented OS ERP and they did it after measuring proprietary ERPs but the interesting fact is that the SMEs were non interested in unfastened beginning licence. So it can be said that it was non the fact that openness was the ground that made the SMEs install specific ERP systems ( B. Johansson and F. Sudzina, 2009 ) . This can besides be understood from the client ‘s successful execution instances of Compiere, one of the taking participants in the OS ERP market. Two of their clients replaced their bequest systems with Compiere. So free licensing is non the lone fact. From the treatment so far it is clear that the usage and growing of Open Source Software in Enterprise Computing sphere yet to be mentionable, although the significance of Open Source Software at nowadays is priceless. Even in academic sector at that place have non been so much research work done about different issues of Free/Open Source ERP. Throughout literature reappraisal of Enterprise Resources Planning we found so much stuff on the proprietary ERP. But when we come in to OS ERP we found small work has been done so far ; And some of import countries inside it are still ignored. The interesting thing was that in about all of these instances the unfastened beginning ERP are used by SMEs merely. Few research work raised the issues of cost and therefore proposed that cost is ground for the SMEs to follow it but nil or really less mentioned about why merely SMEs are implementing OS-ERP. What other factors or grounds are at that place that encourages the SMEs to travel towards OS-ERP . 1.3 Research Questions Writing research paper usually initiates with the research inquiry ( s ) . The research inquiry ( s ) gives us a clear way for probe throughout our research. The likely research inquiries that will be investigated in item in our research are as follows. Q. What motivates SMEs to follow Open Source ERP? What motivates SMEs to follow Open Source ERP? 1.4 Purpose The intent of this survey is to look upon at the addition impetus of utilizing OS ERP by SMEs and research cognition about assorted principles that motivates Small and Medium Sized ( SMEs ) companies in following OS ERP. This paper is an effort to supply information to those who are interested in OS ERP construct and assorted issues related to it ; and to those companies who have desire to utilize OSS ERP and seeks information about it. The focal point will be to indentify those principles that motivates and influcence SMEs to implement OS ERP even though the proprietary ERP sellers have different schemes to pull SMEs. At first they will be indentified and analyzed thenceforth. 1.5 Boundary lines The survey is based on those companies which fall under the definition of SMEs, and to the companies that are accessible for survey. The survey is besides limited to experiences or sentiments of the users and sentiments of the sellers are non mentioned. This signifies that Open beginning ERP user ‘s position will be mentioned and that of seller ‘s will be excluded. Chapter 2 2 Frame of Mention: This chapter focuses on assorted definitions and constructs related to Enterprise resource be aftering systems. Here we will besides discourse about OS ERP and of its outgrowth. The different definitions, constructs and the related work in the field of OS ERP will besides be discussed here to assist us in showing the model for our survey. 2.1 Information Systems: The information systems include hardware, package, informations, procedure and people ; and its function is to treat informations into information utilizing information engineering, concern procedures, and people resources ( Motiwalla 2009, p:4 ) . Further the UK Academy of Information Systems ( UKAIS ) defines Information systems as the agencies by which people and organisations, using engineering, gather, procedure, shop, usage and disseminate information ( J. Ward A ; J. Peppard ; 2002, P: 20 ) . 2.2 Incorporate information systems: Integrated information systems refers to the interaction of two or more than two information systems with one another. It is an enlargement of a basic information system achieved through system design of an improved or broader capableness by functionally or technically associating two or more information systems, or by integrating a part of the functional or proficient elements of one information system into another. Integrated Information Systems is the constellation that helps to organize the mechanised operations in an organisation. This tool can be referred as one measure in front of direction information systems. They help in providing the needed information that one can make up one’s mind upon in an organisation. This is regarded as one of the critical map in the concern organisation. Information systems need to hold integrated informations, applications, and resources from across the organisation. To carry through this, the incorporate information systems are needed today to concentrate on clients, to treat efficiency, and to assist construct squads that bring employees together from different functional countries ( Motiwalla 2009 ; P:07 ) . 2.3 Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) : An Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) system is an integrated package system that manages the mainstream operations of an organisation. ERP is frequently defined as the standardised packaged package designed at taking integrating the full value concatenation in the organisation, as described by lengnick-Hall et Al. ( 2004 ) and Rolland et al. ( 2000 ) . Quoting Alshawi et Al, 2004 as they stated â€Å"What is different about ERP systems is that they integrate across maps to make a individual, incorporate system, instead than a group of separate, insular applications†And Davenport ( 1998 ) defined it as â€Å"ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning Systems ) comprises of a commercial package bundle that promises the seamless integrating of all the information fluxing through the company fiscal, accounting, human resources, supply concatenation and client information†Kumar and Hillsgersberg ( 2000 ) have a similar definition to Davenport ‘s: â€Å"ERP systems are configurable information systems packages that integrate information and in-formation-based procedures within and across functional countries in an organization†. Tadjer ( 1998 ) has a more proficient definition than Davenport ( 1998 ) and Kumar and Hillsgersberg ( 2000 ) , the definition reads: â€Å"One database, one application and a incorporate interface across the full enterprise†. ERP systems are the first coevals of endeavor systems whose end was to incorporate informations across and be comprehensive in back uping all the major maps of the organisation. They are comprehensive package applications that support critical organisational maps. These integrated information systems support enterprise maps like accounting, fiscal, selling, and production demands of organisations. This allows for existent clip informations flows between the functional applications ( Motiwalla 2009 ; p:7,8 ) . Wier et Al. ( 2007 ) argue that purpose of ERP systems is to incorporate concern procedures and ICT into a consonant aggregation of processs, applications and prosodies which can work over the boundaries of houses. ERP systems are all inclusive applications that can execute specific critical organisational maps. It makes the information flow smooth and dynamic. The intent is to do the information flow blink of an eye and extinguish the information redundancy, and to add more flexibleness. It allows different units of the organisations to come under one substructure. The information integrating allowed by the ERP empowers the reusing of the informations across all the systems. Motiwalla ( 2009 ; p:9 ) highlighted this by saying that the end of ERP is to incorporate sections and maps across an organisation onto a individual substructure that serves the demands of each section. They farther explained that an ERP system combines all units of an organisation together into a individual, incorporate package environment that works on a individual database, thereby leting assorted sections to portion information and communicate with each other more easy. 2.4 Small and Medium Sized Enterprises ( SMEs ) : Specific definition of the SMEs are tough to happen as it varies and depends on standards such as figure on employees and turnover ( Burgess, 2002 ) . As Thomas Deelmann and Peter Loos ( 2002 ) mentioned, â€Å"The acronym SME ( Small and Medium-sized Enterprise ) tries to group a kind of companies, which are little and average sized in a particular manner. Unfortunately this categorization is non good defined.†â€Å"In 1971 Bolton Report ( Dawes A ; Haydock in Frank, 1999 ) defined SMEs on the footing of figure of employees, turnover and an economic definition that was based on the indispensable features of the little firms†( Kishore, K. , Bandi A ; Kamlesh Bhatt, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to official EU definition of the SMEs is based on the combination of the undermentioned standards: figure of employees, independency, turnover and balanced-sheet sum. As mentioned in the imperativeness releases on 08-02-1996, in order to be considered as an SME an endeavor must hold less than 250 employees and one-year turnover non transcending than 40 million euro. A farther basic standard added in the definition is â€Å"independence†, means the house can non be owned by the one or jointly by several big endeavor more than 25 % .The distinction of SMEs can be understood clearly from the following tabular array. Table 2.1EU official definition of SME Enterprise Category Maximal figure of employees Maximal one-year turnover Maximal one-year balance sheet entire Maximal % can be owned by the one or jointly by severel big endeavor. Very Small 9          –         – Small 49 7 million Euros 5 million Euros 25 % Medium 249 40 million Euros 27 million Euros 25 % Harmonizing to the Swedish official Statisticss from Statisticss Sweden ( StatistikaCentralbyran, SCB ) , a company is typically categorized as SME when it has maximal 199 employees ( Jennie Lindmark A ; Lena Zetterwall, 1998 ) . Small and Medium Sized company has important impact on economic system. 20 % of entire export come from the SMEs in Sweden Having less than 200 employees ( Jennie, L. A ; L. Zetterwall,1998 cited in Kishore, K. , Bandi A ; Kamlesh Bhatt, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to Sandra J. Cereola ( 2000 ) , â€Å"SMEs play an tremendous function in most economic systems. Harmonizing to the US Census Bureau, in 2005 SMEs represented about 80 six per centum of the entire constitutions ( 90 nine per centum of the entire houses ) and accounted for about 50 per centum of the entire employment ( U.S. Census Bureau 2005 ) †2.5 Open Source Software Nowadays the usage of unfastened beginning package is obvious in about every field. Assorted writers tried to explicate the construct of OSS. OSS/FS plans are plans whose licences give users the freedom to run the plan for any intent, to analyze and modify the plan, and to redistribute transcripts of either the original or modified plan ( David A. Wheeler, 2007 ) . The Open Source Initiative ( OSI ) introduces the definition of unfastened beginning package as such ; Open beginning mean entree to the beginning codification but that it should follow the undermentioned features as good. Free distribution – agencies at that place should non be any limitations on a party from selling or administering any constituent of a package and shall non necessitate any fee for sale. – means there should non be any limitations on a party from selling or administering any constituent of a package and shall non necessitate any fee for sale. Beginning Code – the plan must include beginning codification and it must be in a clear signifier so that a coder could modify the plan. the plan must include beginning codification and it must be in a clear signifier so that a coder could modify the plan. Derived Plants – Furthermore the licence must let alterations, other derived plants and distribution of such work under the original licence footings. – Furthermore the licence must let alterations, other derived plants and distribution of such work under the original licence footings. Integrity of The Author ‘s Source Code – The licence may curtail beginning codification that alterations are distributed as ‘patch files ‘ . In add-on the licence should incorporate that derived plants hold a different name or version figure from the original package. The licence may curtail beginning codification that alterations are distributed as ‘patch files ‘ . In add-on the licence should incorporate that derived plants hold a different name or version figure from the original package. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups – agencies that the licence must non know apart against any individual or group of individuals. means that the licence must non know apart against any individual or group of individuals. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor – It should non curtail the plan for utilizing by person in a concern or for familial research. It should non curtail the plan for utilizing by person in a concern or for familial research. Distribution of License – The rights of a plan must use to all those to whom such plan is redistributed. The rights of a plan must use to all those to whom such plan is redistributed. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product – License should hold the same rights to all parties to whom the plan is redistributed and that that are granted in concurrence with the original package distribution. License should hold the same rights to all parties to whom the plan is redistributed and that that are granted in concurrence with the original package distribution. License Must Not Restrict Other Software – at that place should non be any limitations on other package that is distributed along with the accredited package in a licence. there should non be any limitations on other package that is distributed along with the accredited package in a licence. License Must Be Technology Neutral- the licence should non incorporate any requirement on any single engineering or manner of interface. the licence should non incorporate any requirement on any single engineering or manner of interface. Those licences that fulfill the above conditions can obtain certifications from OSI and after being certified by OSI may utilize their enfranchisement grade. Peoples frequently misinterpret the term unfastened beginning which they believe, is ever refer to freely available package and they can modify or administer it without any restriction or so ; while the existent scenario is a bit different. There are some types of unfastened beginning package and different issues are related with them. Many writers tried to concentrate on the likely types of unfastened beginning package and the most outstanding among them is Dirk Riehle. Riehle. D ( 2007 ) pointed out this by explicating that there are two different types of unfastened beginning package, one is community unfastened beginning and other is commercial unfastened beginning. Harmonizing to Riehle, the Community unfastened beginning is package developed by a community. On the other manus the commercial unfastened beginning is package that a for net income entity owns and develops. These types differ in the context that in each of them, who decides on the future way of a package. He farther discussed that in the instance of community unfastened beginning a wide community of voluntaries which includes single developers decides that which parts should be accepted in the beginning codification base and where the package is bearing. On the other manus in commercial unfastened beginning instance a company decides on what should be accepted into package codification base. Here it is the company which maintains the right of first publication and decides what to implement later. The point that he stated is that in the community unfastened beginning instance no market entry barriers exist, and hence can, given the right licence, anyone set up a company and get down merchandising package which is non in the instance of commercial unfastened beginning where market entry barriers exists. Harmonizing to Riehle ( 2007 ) in commercial unfastened beginning instance, the involvement is non in selling package as such, alternatively they sell its proviso, care, and support to stop users . 2.6 Open Source ERP Systems and SMEs The construct of unfastened beginning ERP is a spot confusing and tough to understand and depict due to the engagement of excessively many wide constructs wholly. By sing literature we did non happen any agreed or more specifically exact definition of OS ERP. Rather it is defined in the context of unfastened beginning and ERP jointly. Most of writers tried to give some kind of general definition and formulates that OSS ERP can be refer to the package plans which are obtained by organisations from sellers for certain fee ; that can be modified or customized without programming to do it fit harmonizing to their ain demands ; and moreover is a system for advanced concerns taking for planetary coaction. Jakob Nielsen ( 2001 ) explained the jobs with traditional ERP systems by saying that ‘‘ERP package theoretical accounts are excessively complex, difficult to widen and updated which leads to high costs, large development attempts, really big and excess informations constructions. †He further argued that the integrating and execution are excessively complicated, sulky, dearly-won and unable to run into the demands of clients in most of the instances. Furthermore the user interfaces are frequently musty, inflexible, customization is non possible and the package is work outing non plenty undertakings. Joseph et.al ; ( 2005 ) supported him and stated that the current commercial ERP systems development is confronting a batch of unsolved jobs and with less available solutions to work out them decently. The grounds is that the package development theoretical accounts have non changed much in the last decennaries. Bjorn Johansson ( 2008 ) tries to explicate that package s ellers of proprietary ERPs face some challenges, which they need to take attention of if they are to be able to remain in concern in the hereafter. He pointed out that the inquiry arises of whether or non unfastened beginning can function as a utile input for calculating out how to pull off future challenges. He farther illustrates that the challenges for future development of ERPs addressed by proprietary ERP package sellers could be one ground for the high attending among developers of unfastened beginning ERPs. Hyoseob kim A ; Cornelia Boldyreff ( 2005 ) explained the outgrowth of OS ERP in a diverse position by saying, that the endeavor information systems ( EIS ) like ERP and CRM applications are important to the successes of an organisation as they handle concern procedures. Recently, although it is still in its babyhood the OSS community has started to travel into this sector i.e. Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) . They further argue that because of the complexness associated with big corporations concern procedures, OSS ERP might ne’er be suited for them while SMEs are more suited campaigners for it as they can more easy adapt themselves to of all time altering concern environments. Alexander Dreiling et.al ; ( 2005 ) argue that dissatisfaction with traditional endeavor systems can be explained by the configuration between developers and users, which is in favour of the developers, and that a important basis for that is the proprietary nature of package licensed to organisations. With assorted successful unfastened beginning development initiatives the unfastened beginning package development provides us with a feasible option to the proprietary development of endeavor systems. Soh, kin and Tay-Yap ( 14 ) describes that the jobs of ‘misfit ‘ persists in following package bundle, which means that there is a spread between functionality offered by the bundle and the functionality required from the following organisation. This spread can be trounce by the unfastened beginning phenomenon, in ERP context it is referred to as OS ERP. Svilen Valkov ( 2008 ) highlighted the importance of the construct of unfastened beginning ERP system, harmonizing to him it is for an advanced concern platform which is based on planetary coaction. Thomas Herzog ( 2006 ) stated that unfastened ERP package has less than 5 per centum of the concern package market. Although there is chance for enlargement of this sort of package but the most of the unfastened beginning solutions are excessively little and there aim groups includes largely SMEs. B. johansson A ; F. Sudzina ( 2008 ) discussed that detecting the figure of downloads of the Open beginning ERP package ‘s in recent old ages, can give some consciousness sing the involvement shown by organisations for this kind of package. They besides clarify that although the figure of downloads does non give any verification these packages are really adopted by organisations but the premise is that the rate of acceptance will be additions with the addition into downloads. Harmonizing to them by analyzing the figure of downloads of the six different Open beginning ERP suppliers ; indicates that at this minute the SMEs are more interested in utilizing these unfastened beginning ERPs. Open Source ERP seems full of possible for high growing in the hereafter. As companies are seeking more and more for cutting costs and deriving competitory advantage, Open Source seems to be a good option to SMEs and to some big organisations as good ( V. G. Fougatsaro, 2009 ) . 2.7 Critical Success factors of ERP execution: ERP systems automate the nucleus activities of the organisation by tantrum in the best patterns and re-engineering in the nucleus concern activities or by doing accommodation in the package harmonizing to organisations demand ( Christopher P. Holland and Ben Light, 1999 ) . The successful execution of ERP system promises immense benefits but the black consequence of it is besides fabricated ( Vidyaranya B. Gargeya A ; Cydnee Brady, 2005 ) . As stated by Davenport ( 2000 ) , â€Å"A well-planned and well-executed ERP Implementation, in concurrence with a good opportunity direction plan, can make a dramatic turnaround for the company†. But from the beginning, ERP executions have been weighed down by failure ( Murray A ; Coffin, 2001 ) . Almost 9o per centum of the entire ERP executions are late or over budget ( Christopher P. Holland and Ben Light, 1999 ) and at least half of them failed to achieve the coveted consequences ( Yasar, et al.,2000 ) . Harmonizing to The Gartner Group, 70 % of the entire figure of ERP execution fails to be implemented wholly even after three old ages ( Vidyaranya B. Gargeya A ; Cydnee Brady, 2005 ) . The high failure rate of ERP execution entails for a better apprehension of Critical Success Factors ( Somers et al. , 2000 cited in FFH Nah et al.,2001 ) . There has been considerable research work for placing the Critical Success Factors of ERP execution motivated by the jobs, troubles and hazard related to this ( Loukis, et al. , 2008 ) . Somers et Al. ( 2001 ) in their survey mentioned 22 Critical Success Factors for the ERP execution. The top 10 CSF of ERP execution proposed by them are- Top Management Support, Project squad competency, Interdepartmental Cooperation, clear ends and aims, undertaking direction, inter departmental communicating, Management of outlooks, Project title-holder, Vendor Support, Careful bundle choice. Christopher P. Holland and Ben Light ( 1999 ) proposed a Critical Success Factors theoretical account for the ERP execution with strategic and tactical factors. The strategic factor are-Legacy Systems, Business Vision, ERP Strategy, Top Management Support, Project Schedule and programs. And the tactical factors are- Client audience, Personnel, Business Process Change and package constellation, Client credence, Monitoring and feedback, Communication and problem shot. Esteves and Pastor ( 2000 ) created an incorporate theoretical account of CSF of ERP execution from the old surveies holding four classs of CSF. They mentioned the organisational and technological character of CSF based on strategic and tactical orientation. The strategic-organizational factors are: Sustained direction support, good undertaking range direction, adequate undertaking squad composing, Comprehensive concern procedure reengineering, Adequate undertaking title-holder function, User environment and engagement, and Trust between spouses. Figure:2.3The model of ERP execution adopted from J. Motwaniet Al. ( 2005 ) These class of surveies of the CSF of ERP execution have identified a utile set of factors and related steps that can increase the concern value generated by ERP systems for the adopting organisations ( Loukis, et al. , 2008 ) . And therefore these can be constructive elements for the choice of ERP. 2.8 Critical Success factors of ERP execution in SMEs: Doom and Milis ( 2008 ) discovered and classified critical success factors for ERP executions in SMEs. Their survey shows that the CSFs found in the literature applicable for Belgian SMEs in malice of some exclusions. These are- ( 1 ) Vision, Scope and Goals ( 2 ) Culture, communicating and Support ( 3 ) Infrastructure ( 4 ) Approach and ( 5 ) Undertaking Management. Loh and Koh ( 2004 ) found several Critical Success Factors of ERP execution in the SMEs based on four execution stages. And they besides came up with critical people and critical uncertainnesss for the ERP execution in the SMEs. Table 2.2CSF of ERP execution by SMEs based on Lohand Koh ( 2004 ) Critical Success Factors Meaning Undertaking Champion Project leader or director holding the capacity to support and stand for the undertaking in the organisation with concern position and efforts to decide struggles. Undertaking Management Project leader or director ability to find range of ERP execution, program and control. Assess agenda, budget in the visible radiation of mark. Business Plan and vision Strategic concern program with touchable and intangible benefits, resources, costs, hazards and timeline. Top Management support Full committed top direction to the ERP execution undertaking. Effective communicating Expectations of the ERP execution needed to communicated at every degree. ERP squad work and composing ERP squad should incorporate best people, squad should be cross-functional. Team must cognize organisational concern scheme and ERP ‘s proficient issues. BPR and minimal customization Business procedures should fit the new system. Business procedures should be changed to suit the package with as less customization as possible as it is best pattern. Change direction plan and civilization Pull offing the alteration in the civilization and organisational construction, and supplying right preparation and regular followup. Software development, proving and trouble-shooting. Ability to develop package to associate with bequest systems, apparatus, trial and job work outing capablenesss ease the execution. Monitoring and rating of public presentation. Monitoring and rating of undertaking public presentation with regard to marks and program. Ability to obtain information of the affect of ERP execution on concern public presentation. 2.9 Choosing an ERP Solution: Deploying an Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) system is a important determination for the company that affect critically the future public presentation of the company ( Chun-Chin, et al.,2005 ) and it has consequence on the strategic place of the company ( CJ Stefanou,2001 ) . Due to the complexness in the concern environment and assortment of ERP offerings the choice procedure of ERP systems is someway boring and clip consuming ( Chun-Chin, et al.,2004 ) . ERP systems architectures are non appropriate for all the concern demand ( Sarkis and Sundarraj, 2000 ; Teltumbde, 2000 ; Hong and Kim, 2002 cited in Chun-Chin, et al.,2005 ) . And for this it is really of import for the companies to take a flexible ERP systems and a concerted seller that in bend can be antiphonal to the client demands ( Chun-Chin, et al.,2005 ) . Chun-Chin, et Al. ( 2005 ) proposed an Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) based model to choose appropriate ERP systems from the alternatives.As they proposed, the ERP system choice classified in two factors- system factors and seller factors. These two factors contains some properties of the ERP systems that needed to be evaluated. The inside informations about the factors are mentioned in the undermentioned tabular array. Table 2.3 Attribute inside informations of the ERP choice based on Chun-Chin, et Al. ( 2005 ) Factors Properties Matter to measure Deductions Software Systems Factors Entire Cost Monetary value Care costs Adviser disbursals Infrastructure cost Minimum system monetary value, limited one-year care cost, Limited undertaking budget, limited substructure budget Execution Time Minimizing the execution clip ( 6-9 months ) . Functionality Module completion Function fittingness Security Handiness of necessary faculties, Parameter scene, High functional fittingness. Multi currency, multi linguistic communication and multi site option, Permission direction and Database protection User Friendliness Ease of operation Ease of larning Easy graphical interface holding measure by measure bid, guidebook to assist the user, online aid and online acquisition. Flexibility Upgrade ability Ease of integrating Ease of in house development Written in Common scheduling linguistic communication, Platform independency and easy integrating with bing IS. Dependability Stability Recovery ability Automatic informations recovery A ; backup Seller Factors Repute Scale of seller Fiscal status Market portion Matching the graduated table of Vendors reputes, evaluate fiscal ability and makings of mentions of the old users. Technical Capability R A ; D ability Technical support capableness Implementation ability Good service for upgrading the system, ability to back up diverse merchandise line, easy to implement, Technical capableness A ; experience of the sellers to implement. Domain Knowledge of the sellers. Service Guarantees Consultant services Training service Service velocity Detail guarantee, adequate figure of experient adviser, complete and adequate preparation, good job work outing plan and online services. 2.9.1 Selection of an ERP Solution by SMEs: The standard for the choice of a peculiar ERP systems show different precedences related to the organisation size ( Birdogan Baki and Kemal Cakar, 2005 ) . Bernroider and Koch ( 2001 ) studied the choice standards of the ERP systems among SME and big organisation. A entire figure of 29 different ERP choice standard was used in the but merely 12 standards were apparent to hold strong relationship with organisational size ( Bernroider and Koch, 2001 ) . Among those criteria- the undermentioned standards are apparent to be more of import to the SMEs while choosing an ERP. Table 2.4The top prioritized standards of SMEs for choosing ERP based on ( Bernroiderand Koch, 2001 ) Choice standards Deductions Adaptability and flexibleness of package Adaptability allows package to be modified as the unique concern procedures need to be preserved. Easy to upgrade Good Support Support from the providers during installing, execution, integrating with bing systems, customization and security ( Baki A ; Kemal,2005 ) . Short Execution clip Less clip to implement, less customization needs less clip. The more customization the more clip needed and therefore the increased cost and more resources needed. Several facet covering with the flexibleness like- Increased organisational flexibleness, Process Improvement and improved invention capablenesss was rated less of import by the SMEs as they are likely to be more flexible from the beginning they do n’t necessitate to utilize an ERP for this ( Bernroider and Koch, 2001 ) . Another survey on the European SMEs by Everdingen et Al. ( 2000 ) revealed that high importance attributed to the criteria- tantrum with concern processs, flexibleness and cost while choosing an ERP system. The consequences from this survey can be used to compare to other states to account for possible regional differences and in some instances it was described as multicounty European study ( Everdingen et al. , 2000 cited in Bernroider and Koch, 2001 ) . Fit with concern procedure is most of import standards for the SMEs as found in this survey and flexibleness to follow the package is found to be of import as concern procedure is the major issue in SMEs ( Everdingen, et al.,2000 ) . 2.10 Choosing an Open Source ERP solution: B. Johansson and F. Sudzina ( 2009 ) came up with the consequence from a literature reappraisal of ERP system choice standards. The consequence besides represented a set of common ERP choice standards and compare these standards with regard to Open Source and Proprietary ERP Systems ( B. Johansson and F. Sudzina, 2009 ) . They presented and made order of those standards harmonizing to the figure of happening of them in the literature. The standards are listed and described in the tabular array below harmonizing to the importance of them in regard to Open Source ERP. Table: 2.5ERP Selection standards comparing between OS and Proprietary based on ( B. Johansson and F. Sudzina, 2009 ) Standards Meaning Ease/speed of execution Easy to implement and possible to implement in less clip. Monetary value Monetary value of the ERP system licensing. Vendor support For proprietary user it is of import as they are locked in one seller. For OS support from seller and big enough community which can back up in execution Dependability Proprietary seller attempts to be extremely dependable but OS community find an mistake faster and work out it rapidly while for Proprietary it is much harder because same people have entree to code ever. Ease of usage Proprietary ERP attempts to be more user friendly but community of users can do the OS ERP more-or-less acceptable for most of the users. Customization Customization of codification is of import in footings of OS though it is non the lone characteristic of OS ERP systems any longer, now MS Dynamics AX allows certain degree of customization but the others are still non customizable. Integration Proprietary ERP allows use of Data Warehouse for integrating but it is possible to be solved by customization in OS ERP. Functionality Proprietary may offer more but as in OS they are less, may be easier to get the hang them. Ascent Upgrading OS ERP is free but for proprietary clients have to purchase upgrade or pay an one-year fee. These choice standards show obvious difference between OS ERP and Proprietary ERP and these reported standards should be studied farther to find specifically OS ERP choice standards as stated by ( B. Johansson and F. Sudzina, 2009 ) . 2.10.1 Choosing Open Source ERP by SMEs: When it comes to the context of SMEs, the choice standards of Open Source ERP mainly- increased adaptability, Decreased trust on a individual provider and decreased cost ( Serrano and Sarriegi,2006 ) . There seems to be several other ground or factors than cost involved in the determination of choosing OS ERP and those could be investigated ( B. Johansson and F. Sudzina, 2009 ) . 2.11 Research Model: A theoretical theoretical account was developed based on the frame of mention discussed above for the factors that influence SMEs to choose an Open Source ERP. We will look into this theoretical account against the experiential survey and observations. Figure:2.4TheoraticalModel of Factors/criteria that motivate SMEsto select OS ERP The Critical Success Factors for both proprietary and OS ERP execution have been discussed in this chapter. The critical success factors found to be applicable in both context in malice of few exclusions. In both instances there are many factors that influence ERP systems choice and some of the factors can be fulfilled merely by proper choice of the ERP systems based on certain choice standards. Following that the choice standards in general that play really of import function while choosing an ERP by and large and by SMEs have besides been discussed. It is apparent that SMEs stress more on few standards while choosing an ERP systems and few of those standards that are really of import to big organisation got less or instead humbleness by the SMEs and frailty versa. The choice standards of OS ERP are described and context of SMEs besides mentioned in the frame of mention. The frame of mention suggests that the possible other grounds for choosing OS ERP beside the described grounds could be investigated in footings of SME. Chapter 3 3 Methodology: This chapter deals with research doctrine, research attack, assorted available research methods and the manner informations is collected and will be analyzed. We have besides highlighted how we will carry on our research under them. 3.1 Research doctrine Galliers, ( 1991 ) defined research doctrine as, is a belief about the manner in which informations about a phenomenon should be gathered, analyzed and used. Harmonizing to him the two major research doctrines have been identified in the Western tradition of scientific discipline, viz. rationalist besides known as scientific ; and interpretivist besides called anti rationalist. Easterby-Smith et Al. ( 1991, P:27 ) highlighted some cardinal characteristics of these two doctrine paradigm options in order to distinguish them. Harmonizing to them in rationalist attack the perceiver is independent, research focal point is on facts, research worker formulates hypothesis and so prove them ; and the preferable methods of research is normally done by taking big samples. On the other manus in Phenomenological pattern the perceiver is portion of what is observed, researcher focal point in on significances, attempts to understand what is go oning by developing thoughts through initiation from informations and the includes probe of little samples. Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill ( 2003 ) besides supported Easterby-Smith et Al. ( 1991 ) by depicting positivism as scientific based attack where research worker formulates a hypothesis from some theory, trials that hypothesis by experiment and so examines the consequences to corroborate a theory or suggests for alterations. They described phenomenological attack as ‘‘the manner people experience societal phenomena in the universe in which they live †. Here the research worker tries to understand what is go oning and why it is go oning. The research worker ‘s focal point is on those contexts where events occur and use qualitative informations to set up position of phenomena. For any sort of survey we have a pick to choose among the two research doctrines, for this survey as it involves qualitative informations, utilizing phenomenological doctrine is more sensible for us because the information is chiefly qualitative and this kind of informations normally in copiousness and it will allow for us to develop our thoughts on that footing. 3.2 Research Approach Research attack means that what methodological analysis has been adopted to carry on a research. Sekaran, ( 2003 ) identified two types of research attacks. These includes inductive and deductive. Incase if research workers use both side by side, so it is known as abductive attack, indicates a combination of inductive and deductive. Harmonizing to Sekaran ( 2003 ) , tax write-off is the procedure of geting at reasoned decision by logical generalisation of a known fact while initiation is the procedure where certain phenomena is observed and decisions are made on that footing. In research chiefly two wide methods of concluding are referred known as deductive and inductive attacks ( S. M. Aqil Burney, 2008 ) . Deductive concluding starts from more general to more specific, informally called top-down attack and decisions are drawn logically from available facts ; while inductive concluding plants from specific observations to broader generalisations, informally known as underside up attack and decisions are drawn on available facts ( S. M. Aqil Burney, 2008 ) . Hussey and Hussey ( 1997 ) defined deductive research as â€Å"a survey in which a conceptual and theoretical construction is developed which is so tested by empirical observation ; therefore peculiar cases are deducted from general influences.†And deductive research is defined as ‘‘a survey in which theory is developed from the observation of empirical world ; therefore general illations are induced from peculiar cases, which is the contrary of the deductive method since it involves traveling from single observation to statements of general forms or Torahs †. Sometimes research workers uses both inductive and deductive attacks, that is known as abductive attack. The attack takes findings which are common, explicate them and work out the issues related to collected informations. The consequence is normally that facts are in a proper order and can supply chance to cover with issues confidently ( Reichertz, 2004 ) . The abductive attack will be used as we have to travel back and Forth between empirical findings and theory repeatedly because it involves combination of inductive and deductive and is favored by most of the research workers. 3.3 Research Methods Research method refers to systematic, focussed and orderly aggregation of informations for the intent of obtaining information from them, to or reply a peculiar research job or inquiry ( Ghuari A ; Gronhuag, 2005 ) . There are two types of research methods. Quantitative method Qualitative method Malhotra ( 1996 ) defines quantitative research as ‘‘a methodological analysis that seeks to quantify the informations and it applies specially in some signifier of statistical analysis †. Quantitative research is a sort of specific research which involves big representative samples and comparatively structured informations aggregation processs ( Parasuraman, 1991 ) . Qualitative research involves look intoing sentiments, behaviours and experiences from the informant points of position. Walker et Al. ( 2008 ) , described qualitative research as procedure to detect and explicate the complex nature of human nature. Harmonizing to him this is sort of research where information obtained is normally thorough, flush and holistic. Maylor and Blackmon ( 2005 ) illustrate that, when a survey includes statistical decision, it is appropriate to utilize quantitative research while if the research deals with procedures that involves analysing non-numeral information it ‘s better to utilize the qualitative attack. Quantitative research requires a immense sum of informations to look into and so decisions are drawn on that footing which is non possible in this instance. Research workers in the field of Enterprise systems usually use qualitative method. Therefore this method is used for carry oning our survey which is more equal with respect to enterprise systems. 3.4 Research Strategy Research scheme means that which research design option is used for survey to work out the job. There are a figure of research schemes including, studies, interviews, instance survey, experiment, descriptive anthropology and action research. Research schemes are similar to literary genres, bespeaking really loosely the manner of the work like a study, an experiment or a instance survey ( A. Berkely Thomas, p.20 ) . Uma Sekaran ( 2003, p.119 ) illustrates that nature of surveies may be either explorative or descriptive, or may be conducted to prove hypotheses. Harmonizing to him the exploratory survey is used when there is small or no information available for a state of affairs which is to work out ; it is good for obtaining a well clasp of the phenomena of the involvement while the descriptive survey is used when the intent is to depict the features of the variables of the involvement in a state of affairs. Parasuraman, ( 1991 ) defined descriptive survey as the survey which is used to bring forth informations that describes the composing of relevant group including clients, sales representatives, and organisations. Surveies that includes hypothesis proving in order to explicate the nature of certain relationships by certain factors are known as hypothesis proving surveies. ( Uma Sekaran, 2003, p.124 ) . The survey will be explorative in nature and will be used for this survey due to fact as Yin ( 2003 ) pointed out, that exploratory survey applies to those researches where pick of research includes new constructs and there is non adequate stuff available for those subjects. This applies to our pick of research. Surveys and interviews will be taken as a research scheme. . 3.5 Data Collection There are two types of informations. One is Primary informations and the other is Secondary informations. Primary information is that which is obtained through some agencies like studies, interviews and observations etc while secondary informations is that which is already there and is available to us in the signifier books, diaries etc. Uma Sekaran ( 2003, p.59 ) defined primary informations as ‘‘the information gathered for research from the existent site of happening of events †while secondary informations is obtained from bing resources. Both types of informations will be used for carry oning this survey. The secondary information is obtained from available resources like books, diaries, articles and web sites of assorted companies by utilizing different hunt engines. While the primary informations will be obtained from the respondents. For this we will carry on interview from two experts who have knowledge in this sphere and questionnaire study from the SMEs who have implemented Open Source ERP. 3.6 Sampling Sampling is method of choosing a certain figure of units from a entire population. ( Clark and Hockey, 1981 ) . Uma Sekaran ( 2003, p. 266 ) defined trying as the procedure of choosing equal figure of elements or instances from the population in order to understand its belongingss and look into them. Sauder et.al 2003 argued that trying gives us different methods to choose a subset of population which represents the whole population. There are two major types of sampling, i.e. chance and non chance trying. In chance sampling, the elements in the population have equal opportunity of being selected and is used when the representatives of the sample is of importance in the involvements of wider generalisation. In non chance trying the elements in the population do non hold predetermined opportunity of being selected and is used when generalisation is less critical and other factors like clip are of importance. The drawback of this sampling technique is that generalisation of consequences is compromised Uma Sekaran ( 2003, p. 269 ) . Marshall ( 1996 ) illustrates that for quantitative surveies it is better to utilize chance trying while for qualitative surveies non chance sampling is appropriate. Non chance sampling is either convenience sampling or purposive sampling. Convenience sampling is that where the respondents are handily available and is easy to entree them for acquiring information. On the other manus purposive sampling is that where it is indispensable to acquire information from specific group of people who have more cognition about certain facts ( Uma Sekaran, 2003, p.276 ) . Polkinghorne, 2005 highlighted purposive sampling as the method when the focal point is on to obtain rich information from more specific beginning instead than holding immense informations from big of beginnings. For this survey the non chance sampling technique is used because it was non possible for us to take chance trying into history due the deficit of clip and less handiness to resources that are critical for making this. Non chance trying takes the signifier convenience or purposefully trying. For taking interviews from experts the purposefully sampling will be used while for taking responses from SMEs the convenience sampling will be used. 3.7 Analysis of Datas Data analysis is the procedure of telling and forming natural informations so that it can provides utile information. Raw information is in many signifiers like studies responses, and observations which is non that much utile but when it converted into information through information analysis it becomes utile ( S.E. Smith, 2008 ) . Sekaran ( 2003 ) illustrates that when informations is obtained through trying the following measure is to analyse that information, known as informations analysis. The information analysis needs more attending and attention when obtained informations is qualitative in nature ( Walker et al. , 2008 ) . ( Will be finalized after empirical findings ) 3.8 Credibility of Datas Walker et Al. ( 2008 ) stated that subjectiveness affects qualitative research so credibleness of informations should be accentuated in this kind of research. Credibility can be enhanced by cut downing incorrect replies and paying attending on two of import footings i.e. dependability and cogency ( Saunders et Al. 2007 ) . Carmines and Zeller ( 1982 ) described that when there is a grade of consistence in measurings which are repeated for same phenomena known as dependability while cogency refers to the grade to which a 1 ‘s measures what it supposed to mensurate that how much the measurings accurate. This indicates that dependability trades with consistence of consequences while cogency with their truth. ( Will be finalized after empirical findings ) How to cite Explore the background of the study, the problem discussion, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Criminalistics Chapter free essay sample
The final evaluator of forensic evidence is the jury. 5. In the case of Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceutical, Inc. , the U. S. Supreme Court advocated that a â€Å"gatekeeper†determine the admissibility and reliability of scientific evidence. This gatekeeper is the trial judge. 6. Who established the first workable crime laboratory? Locard. 7. Who wrote the first treatise describing the application of science to the field of criminal investigation? Gross. 8. The ten sections of the American Academy of Forensic Science include all of the following Which of the following can be rightfully cited as an explanation for the rapid growth of crime labs during the last 25 years? All of these. 10. Forensic science is the application of science to: both criminal and civil laws. 11. Approximately how many operating crime labs are there in the United States (federal, state, and country)? 300+. 12. Which specialized area of forensic science examines the relationship between human behavior and legal proceedings? Forensic psychiatry. We will write a custom essay sample on Criminalistics Chapter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 13. Forensic odontology refers to the study of: teeth. 14. Who is known as the â€Å"father of forensic toxicology†? Orfilia. 15. The concept of â€Å"general acceptance†of scientific evidence relates to the: Frye standard. 16. A crime scene which involved the collapse of a structure would be analyzed by specialists in the area of: forensic engineering. 17. Which entity maintains the largest crime laboratory in the world? FBI. 18. Which unit has the responsibility for the examination of body fluids and organs for the presence of drugs and poisons? Toxicology unit. 19. What factor(s) do(es) the court usually take into consideration as sufficient grounds for qualification as an expert witness? All of these. 20. To determine the gender of skeletal remains, a forensic anthropologist can examine all of the following area of the skeleton EXCEPT: vertebrae. 90. Which is NOT a manner of death? Drowning. 91. The rate of cooling of a dead body can be influenced by all BUT the: gender of the victim. 92. If a cause of death cannot be found through simple observation of the victim, a(n) autopsy is typically carried out. 93. Physical evidence can be used to exonerate or exclude a person from suspicion if: the standard reference sample (control) does not share characteristics with evidence at the crime scene. 94.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Three Musketeers Essays - Swashbuckler Films,
The Three Musketeers Alexander Dumas ?Forgive me, Lady de Wardes,? he said, ?for rousing your hatred by my blackguardly conduct. I in return forgive you for murdering Constance Bonacieux and for your savage attacks on me. I forgive you and pity you. Die in peace.? Characters d'Artagnan- a young, attractive Gascon of eighteen. d'Artagnan is haughty, proud, and extremely intelligent. He is one of the main characters is the book, and we follow him through his many turmoils and triumphs; as he eventually defeats the evil of the real world. Porthos- a proud, experienced Musketeer. Porthos is a true friend with a quick temper, and a smart mouth. Nonetheless, Porthos is intelligent, cautious, and has a wild passion for everything he does. Aramis- a proper, friendly gentleman of twenty-three. Aramis is proud, yet demure, with a very clean-cut appearance. Aramis is a man of scripture and deep thought, often the one with the brilliant ideas. Athos- a cool, courageous Musketeer, strikingly handsome, and proud of his status. Athos lets nothing stand in his way, yet is polite and friendly, attracting friends easily. Planchet- d'Artagnan's servant, a tremendously devoted man, trusted and intelligent. Monsieur de Treville- a truly good man, captain of the Musketeers, who has a pure heart and a love for his Musketeers. Monsieur Bonacieux- a small wily man, not very gifted in the intelligence department, easily swayed by others' personal opinions. d'Artagnan's landlord. Constance Bonacieux- Monsieur Bonacieux's wife, a young, beautiful woman, with a good soul. D'Artagnan's mistress, and maid of the wardrobe of the Queen. Lady de Winter- an evil spy for the Cardinal, Lady de Winter is an extremely beautiful mastermind with the ability to make anything go her way. Kitty- Lady de Winter's innocently pretty maid, who falls hopelessly in love with d'Artagnan, and helps him in his exploits against Lady de Winter. Lord de Winter- Lady de Winter's charming brother, who helps in the temporary capture of the evil Milady. The Three Musketeers is set in the mid to late 1620s, in Paris, France. Paris in this period is the bustling center of excitement, trials, and betrayal. The Three Musketeers is about four grand friends and their amazing travels and exciting exploits. Living in glamorous Paris, France, d'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis get deeply involved in the political aspects and scams of the day. With enemies wherever he turns, d'Artagnan is forced to go into hiding, sending his intelligent servant and his best friends to take care of business. Gradually, the complicated mess of French and English monarchy comes together, revealing a way to overcome the evil of the outstandingly beautiful Lady de Winter, one of the Cardinal's best spies. I. Three Gifts A. d'Artagnan arrives in Meung 1. The strange, dark man 2. Confrontation 3. Milady 4. Stolen! B. d'Artagnan enters Paris II. Monsieur de Treville's Ante-room A. Monsieur de Treville's house 1. The courtyard a. Porthos and Aramis III. The Audience A. Introductions B. Athos C. Letter to the Director D. The chase IV. Shoulder, Shoulder-Belt, and Handkerchief A. The sore shoulder 1. Challenge B. Another Accident 1. The shoulder-belt 2. Challenge C. The Handkerchief 1. Accusation 2. Challenge V. Musketeers and Guards A. Athos B. The Seconds 1. realizations C. The Cardinal's Guards D. Fight E. Friends F. Planchet VI. A Court Intrigue A. Finances B. Poor 1. Dinner Invitations C. The Small Man 1. Explanations 2. The Kidnapping VII. Relaying Information A. A Plan B. ?All For One and One For All!? VIII. Madame Bonacieux A. Ambush! 1. Monsieur Bonacieux's arrest B. Cross Examination C. Madame Bonacieux D. Rescue E. Constance F. Another Secret G. Love H. Escape I. Monsieur de Laport IX. The Plot Thickens A. A Curious Romantic Attachment B. Aramis's House 1. The cloaked woman C. Following D. Escort E. Athos's Arrest F. The Pair at the Lourve 1. The Duke of Buckingham X. The Man of Meung A. Monsieur Bonacieux's Attendance With the Cardinal 1. A new and Faithful Servant B. The Letter to London XI. Soldiers and Magistrates A. Athos's Cross-examination B. Athos's Attendance With the Cardinal C. Monsieur de Treville, the King, the Cardinal, and Athos 1. The Police report and the soldier's honor D. Release E. The Duke of Buckingham is Paris XII. The Keeper of the Seals A. Plotting B. Twelve Diamond Tags C. The Visitor and the Search of the Queen D. The Planning of the Ball 1. The request XIII. The Lover and the Husband E. Letter to Buckingham F. The Deadly Secret G. A Pledge 1. The Secret Discussion 2. The Truth Is Revealed 3. An Important Decision XIV. The Journey A. Four Friends Get Leave B. Breakfast in Chantilly 1. Porthos's duel C. Three Against Eight in Beauvais 1. The Ambush On The Road D. Two Friends in Amiens 1. Hullabaloo in the stables 2.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Interpersonal Reflection Essay
Interpersonal Reflection Essay Interpersonal Reflection Essay Introduction On September 2nd, 2014, I spent three hours interaction with patient B.A in his room which is at Palm Beach Gardens Hospital. The patient’s room is small, clean with two chairs pushed to the side near the window that shines light into the room. The bed is located in the center of the room which is nicely fixed. This area was chosen because it allows the patient comfort, a familiar surrounding and a private place to speak. The patient B.A., is a 59 year old alert and oriented male. The patient has short light brown hair which he styled nicely. He is properly groomed and is wearing a clean hospital gown with light gray pants. He is waiting for his wife to visit him later in the day. When I first entered the room to greet the patient, he presented himself as a friendly sociable and cooperative person throughout most of the interaction. He could perform all this daily activities independtly and only asked for assistance when needed. He shows eagerness to be discharged from hospital. According to Potter & Perry, â€Å"therapeutic communication is holistic and patient centered and engages the totality of the patient’s condition†( 2005, p.78). The nursing goal of this nurse/patient interaction was to build confidence to allow ease of communication. The patient goals were (1) the patient will express feelings and thoughts about the diabetes that he has been managing for a couple of years. (2) The patient will express any concerns he has about his recent abdominal pain and the effect it has in his life. Nurse Verbatim Patient Verbatim Nonverbal Behavior of Nurse and Client Interpretation of interaction Alternation response with rationale â€Å"Good Morning Mr. B.A., how are you feeling this morning ?†â€Å"Better than I have been yesterday. I hope the doctor will come by and discharge me today.†Student nurse made eye contact with the patient. Patient smiles and responds in a clear and cheerful tone. â€Å" The doctor may be coming in to see you later today†â€Å"Yes, the nurse mentioned that earlier. My wife will be coming here at about 10 am.†Student nurse looks outside the window away from patient and patient moves around the room towards his phone. He clicks it on, and then puts it gently on the bed. â€Å"That’s nice. Do you work ? â€Å"Yes. I work building race car engines. It has been a job that I have done for about twenty years and I absouletly enjoy it. Student nurse walks over to a chair and sits in the direction of the patient. Patient explains his job excitedly to the student
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Answer These 5 Common (but tough) Interview Questions
How to Answer These 5 Common (but tough) Interview Questions Even the best job interviews sometimes have deer-in-headlight moments†¦the times when you get a question you can’t answer with a breezy, offhand response. While your brain reaches for a response that sounds coherent and hire-worthy, the pause can feel like an eternity. If you go into the interview extra-prepared to field some common questions, you can avoid that and come off as the smooth operator you know you can be. Also don’t forget to prepare for these hardest interview questions. You never know when you might get hit with these tough questions.1. â€Å"Tell me a little bit about yourself.†This is not an invitation to talk about your childhood hopes and dreams (unless you’re interviewing to be a cowboy astronaut) or a request to detail your square-dancing hobby. Remember what you’re there to talk about: you as the ideal candidate for this particular job. This question is a chance to give a quick outline of the elements of your education and career background that make you a super fit for this position.2. â€Å"What are your strengths?†Again, you need to target your response to the job for which you’re interviewing, but this one has the added sandtrap of testing your humility. If your answer makes you seem like a combination of Steve Jobs and Mother Theresa, dial it back a bit.Before your interview, come up with three qualities that make you look like a strong candidate for the role. Good answers: â€Å"I’m extremely organized;†â€Å"I work very well in a team-oriented environment;†or â€Å"I have a long track record of turning leads into sales.†Bad answers: â€Å"I’m one of the smartest people I know†or â€Å"I win at any cost.†3. â€Å"What are your weaknesses?†Similar to #2, this is a bit of a trap. The interviewer is not your therapist/clergyperson. Don’t confess to lifting office supplies from your last job or talk about your weakness for buying Precious Moments figurines from Amazon. Make sure that your response contains a little bit of spin (but not too much- again, the humility thing comes into play here).For example: a stated weakness could be that you try to take on everything at once. But as soon as you say that, acknowledge that you know the importance of delegating projects throughout the team and working together toward a common goal, so you will always strive to make that balance of your own hard work and looping other people in. Whatever you respond, be sure to flip the script and finish up with how it makes you a stronger candidate and how you know you can turn that into a productive quality for this position.4. â€Å"Why did you leave your last job?†Depending on how things went at your old place, you might be sorely tempted to be totally honest. However: bite your tongue. You will gain nothing from trash-talking your former colleagues and bosses- and things could get awkward very fast if your interviewer knows people at your last company. Instead, be as honest as you can while spinning it a little to emphasize your current opportunity: â€Å"I felt I’d grown as much as I could in my last role, and I think this job is a logical next step for me.†If you were fired from your last job, this makes things trickier, but not a lost cause. Never lie about it (as this is easily checked by the interviewer), but rather talk about the reasons your last job was not a good fit for your goals or what you learned from the difficult situation.5. â€Å"Aren’t you overqualified for this job?†In a complicated economy, sometimes we find ourselves applying for jobs that might be a step back, qualifications-wise. Maybe you wanted that reach-y dream job, but your mounting bills and frustrations mean you’re willing to be flexible and take a job that might be slightly lower in seniority or salary.If the interviewer asks you about being overqualified, emphasize t he reasons you want this job. They’re asking because they’re concerned you might not find the job challenging enough or that you will skip out as soon as another opportunity comes along. You can reassure them by talking about how this role is in line with what you like about your field, and how you see yourself growing in the role.You can also talk about how you understand that your resume may seem a few steps ahead of this particular role, but you’re interested in a permanent role at this company, and would like to bring your extensive experience to the job and make it your own.Preparation is your friend here. If you think ahead of time about questions that are almost guaranteed to come up, you’re more likely to avoid the awkward deer moment and keep the interview seamlessly moving forward.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Outline the processes of evolution and explain how either theory of Essay
Outline the processes of evolution and explain how either theory of mind or altruism is an adaptation resulting from the selective forces that have operated dur - Essay Example This is also the rationale behind the arrival of variations in the species of organisms through time. The genius of evolution lies in the fact that although organisms have obviously changed though time, a lot of their features remain strikingly comparable to something from a different age. (The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, and the Regents of the University of California, 2008) Simply put, evolution is one of the major factors that cause different life forms to continue to exist in the universe. Evolution is a complex process that makes use of several mechanisms or sub-processes. These evolutionary mechanisms are responsible for affecting change in population.. (The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, and the Regents of the University of California, 2008) The basic mechanisms of evolution that affect change include natural selection, genetic drift, migration or gene flow and mutation. (The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, and the Regents of the University of California, 2008) Natural selection is the course of action by which inherited characteristics that are pertinent to continued existence and reproduction become more prominent. In natural selection, the traits that are detrimental to one’s survival become less prominent in the next generations. (DOBZHANSKY, 1955) According to the ‘Understanding Evolution’ website, genetic drift can be simply described as an â€Å"evolutionary equivalent of a sampling error†. Another way to describe genetic drift is that the genetic material from one generation does not go on in the same proportions in the next generations for due to a lot of indiscriminate reasons. Genetic drift can be likened to a lottery where a â€Å"winner†is determined by sheer luck or in this case, chance. Genetic drift affects the process of evolution in three ways. First, genetic drift causes a reduction in variations. This causes a population to be
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Replacing Leather Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Replacing Leather - Essay Example The Economics Indian Mirror in their article â€Å"The Indian Leather Industry† reported that the growth has been phenomenal, to say the least. From Rs.320 million in the year 1965-66 to Rs.69558 million in 1996-97. It also brings pride to the nation. The Indian leather industry today has been recognized for its quality and is now among the top seven foreign exchange earners of the country. From being a mere exporter of raw materials in the sixties, it is now a legitimate and dollar earning industry. The sector accounts for 2.5 per cent of the global leather-related trade of Rs. 387,200 crores. An estimated 15 per cent of total purchase of leading global brands in footwear, garments, leather goods & accessories, in Europe, and 10 percent of global supply is outsourced from India (Damodaran & Mansingh). The leather industry employs about 2.5 million people2 and has annual turn over of Rs. 25,000 crores (Damodaran & Mansingh). Engrained in the Culture The industry also goes b eyond economics, it has become a part of Indian identity. Many who work in the industry, entrepreneurs and workers, feel that making leather is beyond making a living. It serves as the connection to their past and the only thing they have known to do. Thus, the organizational structure of leather companies are usually set up in a way that incorporates Indian family tradition as well as an attempt to a modern approach primarily due to the influence of the West who has been India’s biggest leather consumer. Environment Damage One may find over half of India's leather industry around the Ganga river basin. Through Utter Pradesh and West Bengal, treatment plants transform raw hide into materials to be used by Hollywood superstars and international socialites. It is this interest of designers and rich and famous that made this industry a major player in the country's economy. In West Bengal alone, there are 600 tanneries employing and 20,000 units manufacturing leather products. T hey employ 200,000 people (Brown, â€Å"Told To Clean Up†). There is the negative side though. It does more damage to the environment, one that does not compensate for what India gains financially. For one, they used different chemical processes that would preserve the leather. They soak and line the hide, remove the grease ad pickling the hide, and other processes that use salt as the primary ingredients. Brown further reported that about 3000 tonnes of salt are used to preserve 5000 tonnes of raw hide. The problem is 90% of this salt goes into the river and groundwater systems causing pollution and contamination. They also use other products like formaldehyde, coal-tar derivatives, and various oils, dyes, and finishesâ€â€some of them cyanide-based. Most leather is chrome-tanned which has long been declared hazardous by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) also reported that tanneries produce pollutants like prote in, hair, salt, lime sludge, sulfides, acids, 2,000 pounds of solid waste including flesh and waste nearly 15,000 gallons of water a for every ton of hides that it processes. All these either say on the environment to damage the soil, water, and health of humans around or it goes straight to landfills together with the 800,000 tons of chrome shavings annually. In PETA’s article titled â€Å"Wool, Fur, Leather: Hazardous to the Environment†they said, â€Å"Groundwater near tanneries has been found with highly elevated levels of a variety of toxic substances. The Regis Tanning Co., Inc., operated a tanning facility from the early
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Approaches to Psychology Essay Example for Free
Approaches to Psychology Essay The social world is complex. To try to explain it human psychological actions through one simple theory is a difficult task. Different psychologists and psychological schools have come up with different approaches that attempt to understand human behavior, emotion and motivation. These approaches include the bio-psychological, behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanistic cognitive and socio-cultural schools of thought and action. While these approaches may not be entirely compatible, they do form a basket of tools with which the student of psychology can use to try to understand the psychological make-up of the people he or she encounters. Through the notion of eclecticism, it is possible to take elements from these approaches to come up with an understanding of a given situation. These schools all have their own important voice that reveals important characteristics in varying psychological situations. Biophysical approach: talk about how this approach helps us to understand how the body reacts to psychological events, without an understanding of the brain, nervous, muscle and hormonal systems, you can’t really understand people as part of their environment. Humans are animal systems and the bio-psychological approaches help us understand the human animal, but it fails at more human characteristics such as cognition and problem solving and psychological trauma of childhood Behavioral approach: tell about Skinner; tell how this approach helps us to understand basic human psychology, especially in modern times when the stress is on scientific observation. Behavioral approach helps us understand what can be observed, it helps us to control others by understanding how to get people to do things through rewards, it does not tell us, though about what goes on inside the person and how some people may not react to rewards, or how cultural issues may be more important to people Psychoanalytic approach: tell about Freud and psychoanalysis, this is based on introspection, so it is not very scientific, but it does help people think about their past and the unconscious motivations of their behavior in the present. It also is good because it relies on talking, instead of giving people medication, so it can provide solutions for people. It also is a little simple with the stress on violence and sex. Humanistic approach: talk about Carl Rogers, tell about how it is a positive psychological approach because it focuses on improving people, however, it is weak because some people are so traumatized by an imperfect world and family that they need the help of other approaches to first figure out what the problem is. Cognitive approach: tell about how it is good because it focuses on people using strategies to solve problems, it helps people feel more independent and strong, however, it is weak because it is very narrow and focuses on a very small part of a person’s psychological make-up. Sociocultural approach: tell about how cultural can affect psychology and it is important to understand that different groups are affected by their culture, tell about how IQ testing might be biased and how the sociocultural approach makes us sensitive to this. However, it is bad because it does not help us actually solve problems, only focuses on making us more sensitive. Sensory activities In learning process students faces various challenges. Teachers should try to understand sources of students’ problem and also employ various approaches in helping them. Eg carrying out the following sensory activities may drive this point home. American flag afterimage One may report American flag to have different colors in according to number of times one has seen it and also depending on which occasions one saw this flag. Color reported may not be the correct due to confusion arising from the number of times the flag was seen and occasions in which the flag was seen. This may make it difficult for one to have the real picture about the flag. Mirror writing Mirror writing can also bring confusion to the learner. Such occurrence may occur as a result of problems in the development of the brain or confusion arising from the nervous system. A psychologist should understand such a problem by using the biophysical approach. For instance understanding why a person writes his name as reteP instead of writing it correctly as Peter. Food paragraph When one is asked to write a paragraph about food, his or her culture will greatly determine what message he/she writes. It may entail condemning certain food or praising certain food in which one has been brought up with or which are highly regarded in his/her society. This should help the psychologist to understand how to help the person who is having a problem. Conclusion All these approaches to psychology are interdependent. The need to combine them in dealing with every day challenges is very important. For instance a case of a student that cannot succeed on a written exam but can excel when tested verbally, the teacher need to employ behavioral approach and know such a student has difficulty in written exams. Then a humanistic approach will be relevant so as to understand why the student has problem with a written exam and have a positive attitude to help the student out of such problem. The biophysical approach will call upon the teacher to know the working of such student brains. Does the student have a problem in interpreting instructions in a written exam? Therefore, an all inclusive approach is the best way in solving daily life problems. (William, Glassman, Hadad 2008) An example of an all inclusive approach was employed by Maslov in describing the needs of human beings. He encompassed biological and psychological needs, then safety needs, esteem needs and then self actualization needs. Such approach encompasses biological, human, social cultural and human views. Thus, none of psychological approach can stand on it alone to solve problem facing human beings. Work cited William, G. , Glassman, W Hadad, M Approaches to Psychology. 2008.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
what to do about education Essay -- essays research papers
What to do about Funding in Public Schools The public school system in America has long has been an issue of discussion amongst people everywhere. The school system is something we deal with in every state and city in America. It is one system in our country that is in need of great evaluation when it comes to the issue of funding. There are funding gaps that are so large from school to school when it comes to the issue of funding that we have some schools that are barley in suitable living conditions, have the oldest materials and are very understaffed to schools that have the best of everything in every aspect to include the teachers. Is this the type of unbalanced system you want your kids in? People often complain that we need to do something about, give more funding here or there, but the problem surrounding school funding is that we often distribute funding in the wrong way. Well I say it is time we as a whole step up and do something about it; I say we move to a voucher system to develop some competition within public education. If we do not act on making our schools more equally funded we will put ourselves in a downward spiral until only a few schools are able to provide an adequate education to our youth, I mean come on our nations children already lag behind in many standardized test when compared to other countries. We need to seize our chance to improve on this now because if we let it slide I can guarantee you the problem will only worsen and the public education in our country will only fail. We need to setup a system based more on competition so we can get the schools to want to give our youth a good education. Now many people may oppose to the idea of making schools â€Å"compete†for students with the voucher system. They would say that this may be too expensive or it would take away the idea of public schooling and not make it free in the sense that we think of school as free. Many would say it would be turning the public school system into a â€Å"business.†While I do agree that it would turn the public school system into a business I do not agree that it would take away from our schools being public in the most literal sense of the word. But it would give people a good way to have a little power in the public system because it would allow parents to decide where they would send their children, not the state. It would also add some incentive for ... ... given a better education simply because his or her parents make more money. That does not make a child smarter, rather more privileged. And I thought schools did not cater to the students. Well that is what the system seems to be doing at this point.      I feel the subject of school funding is one that is in need of serious evaluation. And I feel that the voucher system is the best way we can tackle the subject. Now instead of just talking about making reforms we can go ahead with it and actually do something about it. Our schools need to better prepare out students for their lives. The only foreseeable way to do this would be to impose the voucher system. Without it there will be no competition among schools and there will be no more advancement than there currently is. If we have competition this will encourage improvement among our children, it will make them come up with new ideas and push to really make themselves the best students they can be. In closing I must say that all children are different, so we need to treat them all different and appeal to how each of them learns. If we do not do that then we are keeping ourselves in that downward spiral.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Outlin of an ICT project for a hairdressing business
The Hair Studio has recently opened in the local Sutton Coldfield neighbour hood. The Salon has been open for the past 6 months. This new Hair salon has a variety of products that it sells, such as hair and care product to enhance the hair and improve it also it has a selection of professionals that cut and do re-styling of the hair. The salon has been experiencing many problems in the past couple of months since it has opened. All the customer details have been stored in filing cabinets. The disadvantages of having the information of the customers stored in filing cabinets are that the cabinets take up space and too much room of the salon which may cause some inconvenience. There is also a probability that some of the customer details could get misplaced of even lost therefore this could lead to customer complaints. The reputation of the salon could lessen and this will affect the company sales and income. The hair salon is not efficient enough because other problems could occur such as double bookings this would cause confusion for the salon. The salon needs to advertise their business since it is new to the local area and they could do this by putting up poster and other methods such as making leaflets. The opening hours of the shop should be put on the salon door so the people are aware of the opening hours of the hair salon. I am an ICT specialist and I have been approached by the Hair Studio salon business and they have asked me to design an ICT solution which is a new system that will help salon to hopefully function more smoothly. This new ICT system that I will give the hair salon will help the business become more organised and can handle the client’s data more efficiently. The ICT system should make a huge difference to this business and the hair salon should have a vast benefit from the changes that will take place within it business. This will make the salon work more effectively and make the salon more reliable so this can fulfil customer loyalty and there will be no customer complaints. The new ICT should make a huge difference to the salon and solve all their problems at present. I am going to solve all these problems at present by using the ICT system which will allow the data of all the clients to be managed in a securely and safe way so no other person from a third party can enter the clients personal details. The system will be able to save and store the records of each client who comes to the hair salon frequently, and this will make it easier for the details to be handled by a member of staff. To make the information organised in a professional style I can make columns for the ICT system such as Name, Surname, Address, telephone/mobile number this will go under the personal details section and the other section will be where all the appointments will be booked in the appointment booking system. This will help the salon manage the details in an organised manner and there will be secure.
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